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What is a filter bubble?

Dr Melissa Humphries explains filter bubbles and their implications for research conducted on online platforms.

In this video, Dr Melissa Humphries introduces the concept of filter bubbles, which are the result of algorithms that personalise the information we see online. The video explores how filter bubbles can lead to a number of negative consequences, including a narrowing of our worldview and a reduced likelihood of interacting with people who hold opinions that are different to our own. The video emphasises the importance of proactively breaking out of filter bubbles to avoid these negative impacts.

Share your thoughts

Reflect on the concepts of filter bubbles and confirmation bias discussed in this video. What are some steps we can take to seek information outside of our filter bubbles? What strategies can we use to overcome confirmation bias when we are seeking information? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Critical Evaluation in Data Science: Data, the World, and You

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