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Core Managers: Noticing and Challenging Microaggressions

Develop your inclusive leadership skills by learning how to recognise and challenge microaggressions in healthcare facilities.

1,110 enrolled on this course

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Core Managers: Noticing and Challenging Microaggressions

1,110 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 2 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Challenge microaggressions in the workplace and practise inclusive leadership

Microaggressions are everyday actions or behaviour that communicate hostile, offensive, or disrespectful messages towards a person or group based on an aspect of their identity.

On this four-week course from the London Race Strategy Team and the NHS Leadership Academy, you’ll learn what microaggressions look like, and what you can do to challenge them in any healthcare facility.

Understand microaggressions and their consequences for individuals, teams, and organisations

Microaggressions are subtle and can often be overlooked. Nonetheless, they have severe consequences for the emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing of individuals affected.

You’ll start by learning how to identify microaggressions, before exploring the impact they have on individuals and organisations.

Develop a toolkit for dealing with microaggressions at work

Once you know how to spot a microaggression, you’ll gain the skills you need to challenge it.

Applying theories of inclusion and allyship, you’ll take away key action items that you can implement in your own workplace.

Train with leaders in equality, diversity, and inclusion

Your guides on this course are a team of experts from the London Race Strategy Team and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. They’ll present concrete examples of microaggressions in healthcare contexts, focusing specifically on race, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Learning from these examples, you’ll discover what it means to create an equal and inclusive working environment.


  • Week 1

    What are Microaggressions?

    • Welcome to Microaggressions

      In this activity, you will be introduced to the FutureLearn platform and to this course. You will also get to know your fellow participants in your first discussion.

    • Defining microaggressions

      In this activity, we are going to explore what microaggressions are in more detail, familiarising you with the various words and behaviours that constitute microaggressions and equipping you to identify them in the workplace.

    • Examples of microaggressions

      In this activity, we are going to look at some examples of microaggressions and consider the messages and assumptions they convey.

    • Identifying microaggressions

      In this activity, we are going to continue our exploration of what microaggressions are, as we seek to identify them in our own behaviours as well as in an example scenario.

    • Putting principles into practice

      In this activity, we are going to take action and identify changes we can make in our own working practices.

  • Week 2

    Why are microaggressions a problem?

    • The effects of microaggressions

      Microaggressions affect everyone as when left unchallenged, they can create toxic working environments. This week, we are therefore going to look at the consequences of microaggressions, on individuals, teams and organisations. By

    • Individual impact of microaggressions

      In this activity, we are going to look at the impact microaggressions have on individuals, both psychologically, and physically.

    • Professional impact of microaggressions

      In this activity, we are going to explore the broader impact microaggressions can have on organisations as we look at the legislation, the impact they have on staff retention and the effect they have on patient care.

    • Putting principles into practice

      In this activity, we are going to take action and identify changes we can make in our own working practices.

  • Week 3

    Create change

    • Setting the scene

      This activity is going to outline the focus for this week on application of learning. You will start by reflecting on your own biases and assumptions, before we look at scenario examples for which you are going to identify actions

    • Creating the right environment

      Microaggressions create environments in which it is impossible for minoritised people to excel. In this activity, you are therefore going to explore how you can change these environments to create safer spaces for everyone.

    • Speaking out against microaggressions

      In this activity, you will explore another scenario and consider how you as a manager could speak out against microaggressions, both in the context provided and within your own professional environment.

    • Sustaining momentum

      In this activity, we are going to explore the impact positive culture change can have for individuals, teams and organisations, and think about how you might create and sustain lasting change in your professional context.

    • Putting principles into practice

      In this activity, we are going to take action and identify changes we can make in our own working practices.

  • Week 4

    How can we challenge microaggressions?

    • Reflect

      In this activity, we are going to take a look at ourselves and reflect deeply on the assumptions and prejudices that may be embedded within us, so we can challenge and change them.

    • Learn

      In this activity, we are going to go deeper in our reflection of our own assumptions and work to increase our awareness of our implicit biasses so we can create fairer and more inclusive environments.

    • Act

      In this activity, we are going to explore how you can challenge microaggressions and strive for positive change, in respectful and constructive ways.

    • Putting principles into practice

      In this activity, we are going to take action and identify changes we can make in our own working practices.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

  • Available now

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explain what microaggressions are
  • Identify microaggressions when they occur
  • Discuss the consequences of microaggressions
  • Explain the need to challenge microaggressions
  • Apply your learning to challenge microaggressions
  • Perform your role as a manager

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for managers and supervisors working in healthcare facilities. The third in a series of training sessions on equality, diversity, and inclusion in medical services, it will help you to develop core inclusive leadership skills.

Who will you learn with?

Head of Equality Diversity and Inclusion she holds as MA in Corporate Social Responsibility and has a breadth of experience in developing and delivering robust solution to EDI that change behaviors.

Who developed the course?

NHS Leadership Academy

Our purpose is to help people discover and fulfil their leadership potential to deliver outstanding health and care.

London Race Strategy

London’s Workforce Race Strategy team recognise the challenge and complexity involved in addressing race inequality. They work across London’s NHS to make a significant and tangible difference to the experiences of its BME workforce.

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