• The Open University

Climate Change: Transforming your Organisation for Sustainability

Develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead change for sustainability in your organisation, from The Open University.

592 enrolled on this course

A murmeration of starlings
  • Duration

    10 weeks
  • Weekly study

    10 hours
This course is part of the Climate Change: Transforming your Organisation for Sustainability program, which will enable you to create a sustainability plan to help your organisation respond to climate change.

Explore how to transform your organisation in response to the climate crisis.

Organisations play a significant role in the transition to a low carbon society. This 10-week course from The Open University equips you with tools, skills, and courage to transform your organisation’s response to the climate crisis, whatever role or level you are within the company.

This microcredential views sustainability as social, environmental, economic, global, and future wellbeing, as defined in the Sustainable Development Goals. The course provides you with a working knowledge of sustainability challenges and inspirational case studies featuring innovative individuals and organisations collaborating to push the boundaries of radical action. 

You’ll learn how to respond, transform, innovate, and lead change within your organisation by discovering new perspectives, the power of collaboration, tools, and skills that enable you to respond to the climate and ecological crises.

Learn how to identify potential short-term wins which can attract and involve a diversity of stakeholders 

During this course you’ll discover the latest science on climate change and the ecological crisis and what this means for you using a range of footprinting tools. You’ll learn how to reframe the cultural norms, both personally and professionally, through exploration of different perspectives, and how to recalibrate your personal leadership style to a long-term approach. 

Based on emergent organisational models, such as the ‘five ways of working’, you’ll explore how to identify potential short-term wins, and how to create a mutually beneficial environment in which collaboration and co-production thrive to achieve collective good.

At the end of the course, you’ll be invited to prepare your own action plan to reimagine an aspect of your own organisation for sustainability. 

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Who is the course for?

This microcredential has been designed for:

  • Anyone looking to develop their skills and advance their career in sustainability
  • Professionals aiming to lead climate positive change, regardless of their role or level within an organisation
  • Those who have identified an opportunity to implement change within their organisation whatever sector they may be, but are unsure about the solutions and tools to use
  • People seeking new ways of working to add sustainability know-how to their skills set

The course draws on global best practice and delivers transferable skills for any industry.

Who will you learn with?

Claudia Eckert is a Professor of Design at the Open University. Her research focusses on empirical studies of development processes of complex products and tools, methods and concepts to support them

Dr Victoria Hands is Director of Sustainability at The Open University. As an experienced sustainability practitioner, she promotes ‘five ways of working’ from the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act

Emma Dewberry is a Senior Lecturer of Design at The Open University. Her research explores sustainable design, design education and eco-literacies to enable creative responses to ecological crises.

Who developed the course?

The Open University

As the UK’s largest university, The Open University (OU) supports thousands of students to achieve their goals and ambitions via supported distance learning, helping to fit learning around professional and personal life commitments.

  • Established

  • Location

    Milton Keynes, UK
  • World ranking

    Top 510Source: Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020

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