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Seven tips for your FutureLearn course

Hear from our Educator, Liz Wilding, explain how to use the FutureLearn platform and features to get the most out of this course.

In this Step, you’ll hear one of our educators, Liz Wilding, explaining how to use the FutureLearn features to get the most out of this course. As you play each audio recording, read the key points and look at the images to help you understand.

1. Get involved

Tip 1 PDF transcript

We’d like to hear what you have to say. Click on the Comments icon at the bottom of each Step to respond to the questions we ask you, to give your opinions, or ask your own questions. Don’t worry about your English or about your ideas – no-one will judge you.

A screen shot showing the comments button on the FutureLearn platform

Type your comment into the text entry box at the top of each Discussion area, and then click on Post. You can’t format the text, but you can include useful links.

2. Join the conversation

Tip 2 PDF transcript

Try replying to other learners’ comments – everyone likes to know that others are reading what they have written. You can agree or disagree – but keep it constructive. It’s great to have conversations between people in different parts of the world.

3. Follow other people

Tip 3 PDF transcript

Click on Like if you read a comment that impresses you.

A screen shot of the like button highlighted in a red circle on the FutureLearn platform

Click on Follow if you want to read all the posts by one Learner. It’s also a good idea to follow the Educators and the Mentors.

4. Use FutureLearn functions

Tip 4 PDF transcript

When you look at the Comments, you’ll see two drop down menus: Show and Sort by.

If you click on Show, you can check on any conversations you’re involved in by clicking on Your comments, or you can look at comments from people you’re Following. If you’re reading a comment you want to go back to later, just bookmark it and find it again by using the Show bookmarked option.

A screen shot of the discussion area with the comment box appearing and a dropdown menu appearing when selecting 'Show' where you can filter the list of comments to either 'all comments', 'bookmarked', 'your comments' and 'following'

The Sort by menu is another useful tool. Just click on Most liked to quickly find the most active discussions and most popular topics. That way you can catch up on what’s been happening since your last visit.

A screen shot of the discussion area with the comment box appearing and a dropdown menu where you can filter the list of sort by to either 'newest', 'oldest' and 'most liked'

You can also click on the Activity tab at the top of your screen. This is where you can view all of the comments you’ve bookmarked during the course or any comments you’ve written. You can also see the comments of anyone you’re following.

5. Look out for the live event

Tip 5 PDF transcript

This is a great chance for you to communicate directly with the Educators on this course. In Step 1.2 post any questions you have, and hopefully your questions will be answered. If you can’t attend the Live event, a recording of it will be made available for you to watch and listen to.

6. Check the course regularly

Tip 6 PDF transcript

New items will appear while the course is running. At the end of each week, a video review of issues discussed by Learners will be posted. You’ll also receive emails about the course from FutureLearn.

7. It’s your course

Tip 7 PDF transcript

A screen shot of the 'Mark as complete' button found on the FutureLearn platform

You decide how you work though the course, but remember if you want to have a certificate, which ensures continuing access to the course after it ends, click on the ‘Mark as complete’ icon when you finish each Step.

© British Council
This article is from the free online

Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK

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