Certificate of Achievement

James Douglas

has completed the following course:

Making Anti-Corruption Effective

SOAS University of London

This online course explored the different types and negative impacts of corruption on society. The course explored evidence from the anticorruption field to explore why many anticorruption efforts in less developed countries have tended to be ineffective. It then introduced and explored a new approach to anticorruption which takes account of the power, capabilities and interests of actors to develop feasible and effective anticorruption strategies in different countries and sectors.

2 weeks, 5 hours per week

Mushtaq Khan

Professor of Economics

SOAS University of London


Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of corruption and the social and economic consequences of corruption
  • Evaluate different types of anti-corruption strategies and why many of them fail
  • Explore the concepts of rents and political settlement analysis
  • Produce an effective sectoral anti-corruption strategy grounded in an analysis of feasibility and impact


  • Corruption and its effects: theory and evidence
  • The drivers of different types of corruption
  • The logic underpinning standard anti-corruption strategies based on transparency and accountability
  • The evidence of their limited success and an explanation
  • An alternative research and policy framework for feasible anti-corruption strategies based on finding solutions where enforcement is supported by the self-interest of directly affected actors who are sufficiently powerful
  • Evidence-based examples of the new approach and how research and policy can use this framework to make anti-corruption more effective.

Issued on 14th August 2023

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Making Anti-Corruption Effective

SOAS University of London