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Certificate of Achievement

Gwyn Jones

has completed the following course:

Networking with Python: Socket Programming for Communication

Raspberry Pi Foundation and National Centre for Computing Education

This course involved using sockets in Python programs to communicate over networks. Learners created Python programs demonstrating the use of sockets, and developed their own protocol for a networked quiz game. They also explored the causes of errors in network transmission, and how to correct them.

3 weeks, 2 hours per week

Dr Sue Sentance

Chief Learning Officer

Raspberry Pi Foundation


Learning outcomes

  • Describe the layers of the TCP/IP model
  • Produce Python programs using sockets
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the life cycle of a socket
  • Compare reliable and unreliable communication
  • Develop a protocol of your own
  • Produce programs that use both TCP and UDP
  • Investigate the causes of network errors
  • Describe methods of correcting errors


  • The lifecycle and use of sockets in network programming
  • Popular networking models; the TCP/IP layers and client-server programs
  • The use of both TCP and UDP in Python programs
  • What protocols are, and how they are used.
  • How to detect and correct errors in transmission
  • Methods for testing applications

In association with

Issued on 27th December 2020

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Networking with Python: Socket Programming for Communication

Raspberry Pi Foundation