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Certificate of Achievement

Michaela O'Connor

has completed the following course:

Understanding Depression and Low Mood in Young People

University of Reading

This online course explored how to recognise and understand depression and low mood in teenagers. It explained the importance of sleep, eating, and physical activity for young people and introduced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, an evidence based treatment.

5 weeks, 3 hours per week

Dr. Michelle Lee

Educational Outreach Lead at the Charlie Waller Institute

University of Reading


Learning outcomes

  • Understand the key signs and symptoms of adolescent depression and how it may present itself
  • Identify how depression differs from low mood and other 'normal' mood fluctuations in teenagers
  • Describe key environmental and lifestyle factors which may contribute to depression in teenagers
  • Discuss what teenagers and carers can do to promote a healthier lifestyle within the family
  • Understand how a psychological approach can help us to better understand depression
  • Understand CBT and other key strategies that can be helpful for low mood
  • Identify how patterns of behaviour and thinking can contribute to depression in teenagers and how these can be addressed in therapy
  • Discuss the importance of good communication when supporting teenagers with depression, both within families and between families and other agencies such as schools
  • Summarise how and why breakdowns in communication occur and how to resolve these


Week 1: What does problematic low mood and depression look like?

  • Recognising the symptoms and causes of depression in young people
  • The impact on parents and carers
  • Understanding self-harm and minimising risk
  • Seeking help and treatment options

Week 2: Healthy habits for young people

  • Identifying the foundations of good mental health
  • Exploring the importance of sleep, eating, and physical activity

Week 3: Doing more of what matters

  • Introducing the concept of behavioural activation for young people
  • How to monitor activity and increase valued activities to get more reward from life
  • How to manage different views of what is a valued activity
  • Giving positive reinforcement and rewards

Week 4: Challenging thoughts

  • How thinking tricks us and keeps us stuck in low mood
  • Challenging thoughts
  • Helping your child find the facts, face the facts
  • Understanding that adults have negative thoughts too

Week 5: Family Communication & Self-Care, Planning for the Future and Getting More Help

  • Looking after yourself
  • Managing conflict
  • Dealing with communication problems and stress
  • Planning for the future, dealing with setbacks and solving problems
  • Getting more help

In association with

Issued on 27th January 2021

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Understanding Depression and Low Mood in Young People

University of Reading