Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds During the building work some human remains were found and we’ve been carrying out an excavation to determine just what’s happened there. There’s something rather unusual about this group of burials, where they come from, who they are and why are they buried there. We need to get the bones back to the lab, examine them closely. All of the adults were male… None of them are complete… We don’t know their names… Very little evidence for healed trauma… These individuals can tell us about the conditions of their lives… There was quite a narrow age range present… Every available technique known to modern archaeology… We dated two teeth with radio-carbon dating… Isotope analysis allows us to tell where they came from…
Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds Biomolecular analysis of dental calculus… Three-dimensional imaging of the shape of their jaws and teeth… Disease or some
Skip to 1 minute and 0 seconds other calamity: there’s all sorts of possible explanations. We’re going to do documentary research as well…
Skip to 9 minutes and 6 seconds An extraordinary journey.
Skip to 9 minutes and 6 seconds Its impact lasted a lifetime..
Skip to 9 minutes and 6 seconds New Lives in new lands.
Skip to 9 minutes and 6 seconds Their stories are not forgotten. We can reconcile these individuals lost to history… 3d facial reconstruction and how they were able to solve the near 400-year old mystery… These are men who died together… 367 years ago.