Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Hi, I’m Karsten Lundqvist. I love gaming. I also like coding. Currently I work a lot on Android programmes. And that’s why we’re here.
Skip to 0 minutes and 16 seconds I started out with an Amstrad and I coded on it. And I learned to code that way. Code is everywhere, in dishwashers, in cars, in space shuttles. But it’s actually not rocket science. Everyone can learn. When you write a programme, you rarely start with a blank canvas. Instead, you bring together ideas that you’ve met before, quite often from seeing other people’s code. Seeing how they worked, modify them, adding extra functions. Didn’t necessarily understand the whole programme, but we could concentrate on one particular bit. In this course, we we’ll be developing a game together. We’ll start out with a ball in the middle of the screen. We’ll move it around. We’ll introduce a few programming constructs that will control the ball.
Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds In that way we’ll get a real game. But through that process, we will actually learn different programming constructs. You will be part of a bigger community, who is helping you to do the learning. So that, if you don’t understand something, you can go on, for instance, to our frequently asked questions page. So let’s get started. I hope you enjoy the course.