Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds MARCUS O’DONNELL: Do you procrastinate or are you proactive? Are you often late or do you tend to be on time? Do you take care of yourself or does self-care often fall by the wayside? Hello. I’m Marcus O’Donnell, director of digital learning at Deakin University. Life is complicated, filled with responsibilities that we need to manage, both at work and at home. But how do we stay on top of everything life throws at us and still achieve our goals at the same time? Self-management is a vital skill not only to keep life running smoothly, but also to help us grow and realise our personal and career goals. It’s also highly valued by employers.
Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds Deakin University is a leader in work-integrated learning and provides internationally recognised credentials in workplace capabilities. By taking this course, you’ll learn how to identify, improve, and evidence your self-management by hearing from industry leaders about what skills they’re looking for and why, learning more about self-management from Deakin academic and professional staff, benchmarking your digital skills against international qualifications frameworks, and Deakin professional practice criteria. Whether you’re a professional looking to advance your current career path, rejoin the workforce, or change tack completely, this short course will provide you with new insights, practical strategies, and pathways to demonstrate your skills in self-management to the world. Adopt a proactive approach to your self-management and enrol in this free course today.