Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds The weather is all around us. It affects what we eat, it affects what we wear, it affects just about every industry and every leisure activity. The weather is constantly in the news so when there’s a major weather event, particularly an extreme weather event, people want to hear about it because it affects their lives. Today here at the University of Reading’s atmospheric observatory we’re lucky enough to have a pretty nice day. The sun’s shining, it’s quite cold but the weather’s good. But what affects the weather? What makes it rain? What makes it windy? Or sometimes even what makes it sunny? These are the sorts of things that we’re going to explore in this course.
Skip to 0 minutes and 39 seconds We’re going to learn something about the processes that underlie the weather that we see every day. We’re going to do that through a combination of written material, online searches and practical demonstrations.