Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Hello. My name is Graham Nimmo, and I’m joint Programme Director for the University of Edinburgh and Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh online MSc in Critical Care Programme. I’d like to tell you about a project which our Edinburgh Critical Care online team are working on right now. We’re developing a COVID-19 critical care education resource. This online learning resource is aimed at frontline clinical staff, a wide range of healthcare professionals who are caring for critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes those refreshing knowledge and skills, newly qualified doctors, those who are upskilling, and those who are returning to acute clinical services.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds There are a number of themes– COVID-19 Specific Care, the Deteriorating Patient, Ventilation and Organ Support, Daily Practice of Critical Care, and Self-Care and Staff Well-Being. At this unprecedented time, it is our hope that this resource helps us all to effectively manage critically ill patients. Our own well-being is also essential, and this emphasises the need for us to care for ourselves and our colleagues through this difficult time.