Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Dementia is a global challenge. With a rapidly-aging population, more of us will experience dementia either ourselves or have family members and friends who are living with dementia. Some estimates suggest that by 2030 there will be nearly 75 million people living with dementia across the world. I’m Dr. Lynne Corner from Newcastle University, and on this course, we’ll explore together more about just why dementia matters. Here at Newcastle University, we are world leading in our research into dementia with Lewy bodies, the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. We’ll talk about some of the stressful symptoms that people with dementia and their carers live with, including memory loss, difficulty finding words, experiencing visual hallucinations, fluctuating attention, and sleep disturbance.
Skip to 1 minute and 2 seconds The nature of dementia means that things we take for granted in our everyday life, such as having a conversation, or expressing what’s important to us, what we enjoy, what we want to do, can be really difficult. We’ll exchange practical tips and positive strategies with experts in communication and dementia to help us as carers, friends, and family identify and understand what a person with dementia might be experiencing. Our aim is to improve communication and help us build and maintain relationships and connections that are just so fundamental to all our well being and happiness. You’ll be able to actively bring your own experiences, insights, and ideas and discuss and debate these issues with your fellow learners and experts throughout the course.
Skip to 1 minute and 53 seconds So please join us. Sign up for this course as we discover together how to stay connected and live well with dementia.