Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Companies, nowadays, don’t work in isolation. Their partners in the value network. They are members of this digital ecosystem. The pace of change is really exciting, because it gives new entrants opportunities, but it also creates a lot of challenges. There are no one size fits all solutions. Part of the complication is that every business is different. And so much is happening so quickly, organisations are finding it really hard just to keep up.
Skip to 0 minutes and 35 seconds Human psychology is that if you have been successful, you feel like you know everything. But the important thing is you’re successful at that point in time. To continue and maintain your success, you need to keep learning. Even I sign up for loads of online courses. I’m constantly trying to learn about what’s happening. Knowing how to access is some sort of knowledge as well. So using technology is really important to know how to access those knowledge bases. What happens when suddenly instead of having to manufacture it cheaply in China, I can print it down the corridor? And suddenly, the world’s supply chain changes dramatically.
Skip to 1 minute and 12 seconds Digital leadership is to combine the leadership as well as the emergent technologies and how to use information as a resource. So whether you are small companies or you are large companies, you can benefit from this course.