Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds You may know the words “boss,” “cookie,” “yacht,” and “brandy.” These words have one thing in common. They all originate from Dutch words– “baas,” “koekje,” “jacht,” “brandewijn.” Welcome to the University of Groningen, one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. My name is Wim Tommassen. I’m a senior English lecturer at the Language Centre of the University of Groningen. And I’d like to welcome you to our free online introductory Dutch course. Dutch is the language spoken in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Suriname. In this course, you will learn Dutch up to a lower beginner’s level, meaning you should be able to understand some Dutch and use some elementary phrases and expressions.
Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds We hope that you will soon be able to say– “welkom aan boord” –welcome onboard, and that you will enjoy your course.