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Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology

Enter the fascinating world of forensics, and learn how the deceased are located, recovered and analysed using DNA and pathology.

32,782 enrolled on this course

Researcher brushing a skull that has just been unearthed in an excavation

Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology

32,782 enrolled on this course

  • 6 weeks

  • 3 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Learn the science behind the exhumation and identification of skeletal remains

The location, exhumation and identification of the dead requires highly specialised expertise. On this course, you’ll learn the latest scientific techniques for body location, recovery and analysis.

Through a series of real-life case studies, video lab sessions, interactive 3D models, photographs and podcasts, you’ll explore key forensic techniques.

You’ll learn how to locate gravesites, excavate human remains, and determine factors like sex and age-at-death from the skeleton. You will also understand how to identify pathology on the skeleton, and be introduced to DNA analysis.

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What topics will you cover?

  • Body location and recovery in forensic contexts
  • Osteoprofiling (skeletal analysis of sex, age-at-death, stature)
  • Identification of pathology and trauma
  • Latest developments in biomolecular techniques
  • Taphonomic processes (decomposition and commingling of human remains)
  • Forensic case studies (e.g. post-conflict regions, mass disasters)

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explore the application of archaeology and anthropology to different forensic contexts
  • Develop knowledge of the latest methods in forensic archaeology and anthropology
  • Compare the roles of different forensic specialists
  • Interpret the post-mortem changes to the human body in differing contexts
  • Describe a range of forensic case studies
  • Evaluate the potentials and limitations of the scientific methods used to locate and recover human remains in forensic contexts
  • Investigate the different scientific techniques used to identify deceased individuals from skeletal remains and establish cause of death
  • Reflect on learning gained throughout the course, including the latest research, and how this can be applied to modern forensic and archaeological contexts.

Who is the course for?

This course is suitable for anyone intrigued by forensic archaeology and anthropology.

The course is specifically designed for forensic, crime scene, and police practitioners who require training in anthropological and archaeological techniques.

It will be useful for undergraduate forensics students or those interested in studying forensic archaeology and anthropology at university.

It may also be useful to those working in legal and human rights contexts who require an understanding of forensic methods.

Who will you learn with?

I am a bioarchaeologist at Durham University, teaching and researching human skeletal remains. I also train national and international forensic practitioners in archaeology and anthropology.

I am a Professor and Dean at Teesside University. I work in the area of forensic anthropology where I teach practitioners, research new forensic methods, and undertake case and advisory work.

Who developed the course?

Durham University

Durham University is a collegiate university with long traditions and modern values, proud to be an international scholarly community which reflects the ambitions of cultures from around the world.

Endorsers and supporters

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  • Digital certificate when you're eligible

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  • Discuss your learning in comments
  • Tests to boost your learning
  • Printed and digital certificate when you’re eligible

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  • Access expires 19 Jan 2025

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Sale price available until 29 December 2024 at 23:59 (UTC). T&Cs apply.

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Sale price available until 29 December 2024 at 23:59 (UTC). T&Cs apply.

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  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

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  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

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  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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