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Parsec Tutorial: How to Build a Text Parser in Haskell

This screencast by Wim Vanderbauwhede shows step by step how to build a text parser in Haskell using the Parsec library and how to create XML output.

The aim of this tutorial is to explain step by step how to build a simple parser using the Parsec library.

The source code can be found on GitHub

Parsing the output of derived Show


The polymorphic function show returns a string representation of any data type that is an instance of the type class Show. The easiest way to make a data type an instance of type class is using the deriving clause.


 show :: Show a => a -> String
 data D = D ... deriving (Show)
 d :: D
 d = D ...
 str :: String
 str = show d -- string representation of the instance of the data type


In this tutorial we will show how to create a parser that will parse the output of a derived show and return it in XML format.


 parseShow :: String -> String
 xml = parseShow $ show res


Example data type


First we create a data type PersonRecord


data PersonRecord = MkPersonRecord {
 name :: String,
 address :: Address,
 id :: Integer,
 labels :: [Label] 
} deriving (Show)


The types Address and Label are defined as follows:


data Address = MkAddress {
 line1 :: String,
 number :: Integer,
 street :: String,
 town :: String,
 postcode :: String
} deriving (Show)

data Label = Green | Red | Blue | Yellow deriving (Show)


We derive Show using the deriving clause. The compiler will automatically create the show function for this data type. Our parser will parse the output of this automatically derived show function.


Then we create some instances of PersonRecord:


rec1 = MkPersonRecord 
 "Wim Vanderbauwhede" 
 (MkAddress "School of Computing Science" 17 "Lilybank Gdns" "Glasgow" "G12 8QQ")
 [Green, Red]

rec2 = MkPersonRecord 
 "Jeremy Singer" 
 (MkAddress "School of Computing Science" 17 "Lilybank Gdns" "Glasgow" "G12 8QQ")
 [Blue, Yellow]


We can test this very easily:


main = putStrLn $ show [rec1,rec2] 


This program produces the following output:


 [wim@workai HaskellParsecTutorial]$ runhaskell test_ShowParser_1.hs 
 [MkPersonRecord {name = "Wim Vanderbauwhede", address = MkAddress {line1 = "School of Computing Science", number = 17, street = "Lilybank Gdns", town = "Glasgow", postcode = "G12 8QQ"}, id = 557188, labels = [Green,Red]},MkPersonRecord {name = "Jeremy Singer", address = MkAddress {line1 = "School of Computing Science", number = 17, street = "Lilybank Gdns", town = "Glasgow", postcode = "G12 8QQ"}, id = 42, labels = [Blue,Yellow]}]


The derived Show format can be summarized as follows:



    • Lists: [… comma-separated items …]


    • Records: { … comma-separated key-value pairs …}


    • Strings: “…”


    • Algebraic data types: variant type name



Building the parser


We create a module ShowParser which exports a single function parseShow:


module ShowParser ( parseShow ) where


Some boilerplate:


 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language


The Parsec.Token module provides a number of basic parsers. Each of these takes as argument a lexer, generated by makeTokenParser using a language definition. Here we use emptyDef from the Language module.


It is convenient to create a shorter name for the predefined parsers you want to use, e.g.


 parens = P.parens lexer
 -- and similar


The parser


The function parseShow takes the output from show (a String) and produces the corresponding XML (also a String). It is composed of the actual parser showParser and the function run_parser which applies the parser to a string.


 parseShow :: String -> String
 parseShow = run_parser showParser

 showParser :: Parser String

 run_parser :: Parser a -> String -> a
 run_parser p str = case parse p "" str of
 Left err -> error $ "parse error at " ++ (show err)
 Right val -> val 


The XML format


We define an XML format for a generic Haskell data structure. We use some helper functions to create XML tags with and without attributes.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


 xml_header = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>n"




<tag> ... </tag>


 otag t = "<"++t++">"
 ctag t = "</"++t++">"
 tag t v = concat [otag t,v,ctag t]




<tag attr1="..." attr2="...">


 tagAttrs :: String -> [(String,String)] -> String -> String 
 tagAttrs t attrs v = 
 concat [
 otag (unwords $ [t]++(map ((k,v) -> concat [k,"="",v,"""]) attrs))
 ,ctag t


We also use some functions to join strings together. From the Prelude we take:


 concat :: [[a]] -> [a] -- join lists
 unwords :: [String] -> String -- join words using spaces


We also define a function to join strings with newline characters:


 joinNL :: [String] -> String -- join lines using "n"


This is identical to unlines from the Prelude, just to illustrate the use of intercalate and the Data.List module.


Parsers for the derived Show format




[ ..., ..., ... ]






 list_parser = do
 ls <- brackets $ commaSep showParser 
 return $ tag "list" $ joinNL $ map (tag "list-elt") ls




: ( ..., ..., ... )






tuple_parser = do
 ls <- parens $ commaSep showParser 
 return $ tag "tuple" $ unwords $ map (tag "tuple-elt") ls


Record types


Rec { k=v, ... }




<elt key="k">v</elt>

key-value pairs: k = v -- v can be anything


record_parser = do
 ti <- type_identifier
 ls <- braces $ commaSep kvparser
 return $ tagAttrs "record" [("name",ti)] (joinNL ls)

kvparser = do
 k <- identifier
 symbol "="
 t <- showParser
 return $ tagAttrs "elt" [("key",k)] t
type_identifier = do
 fst <- oneOf ['A' .. 'Z']
 rest <- many alphaNum
 return $ fst:rest 


Algebraic data types


e.g. Label






adt_parser = do
 ti <- type_identifier 
 return $ tag "adt" ti


Quoted strings and numbers


quoted_string = do
 s <- stringLiteral
 return $ """++s++"""

number = do
 n <- integer
 return $ show n


Complete parser


Combine all parsers using the choice combinator <|>.


 showParser :: Parser String 
 showParser =
 list_parser <|> -- [ ... ]
 tuple_parser <|> -- ( ... )
 try record_parser <|> -- MkRec { ... }
 adt_parser <|> -- MkADT ...
 number <|> -- signed integer
 quoted_string <?> "Parse error"


Parsec will try all choices in order of occurrence.
Remember that try is used to avoid consuming the input.


Main program


Import the parser module


 import ShowParser (parseShow)


Use the parser


 rec_str = show [rec1,rec2] 
 main = putStrLn $ parseShow rec_str


Test it:


[wim@workai HaskellParsecTutorial]$ runhaskell test_ShowParser.hs 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<list><list-elt><record name="MkPersonRecord"><elt key="name">"Wim Vanderbauwhede"</elt>
<elt key="address"><record name="MkAddress"><elt key="line1">"School of Computing Science"</elt>
<elt key="number">17</elt>
<elt key="street">"Lilybank Gdns"</elt>
<elt key="town">"Glasgow"</elt>
<elt key="postcode">"G12 8QQ"</elt></record></elt>
<elt key="id">557188</elt>
<elt key="labels"><list><list-elt><adt>Green</adt></list-elt>
<list-elt><record name="MkPersonRecord"><elt key="name">"Jeremy Singer"</elt>
<elt key="address"><record name="MkAddress"><elt key="line1">"School of Computing Science"</elt>
<elt key="number">17</elt>
<elt key="street">"Lilybank Gdns"</elt>
<elt key="town">"Glasgow"</elt>
<elt key="postcode">"G12 8QQ"</elt></record></elt>
<elt key="id">42</elt>
<elt key="labels"><list><list-elt><adt>Blue</adt></list-elt>


  • Parsec makes it easy to build powerful text parsers from building blocks using predefined parsers and parser combinators.
  • The basic structure of a Parsec parser is quite generic and reusable
  • The example shows how to parse structured text (output from Show) and generate an XML document containing the same information.
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