Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds There’s no place like home, but for many of us, home is not a safe place to be. Between one and three and one in five women and one in six men worldwide will experience domestic abuse in some form during their lifetime. Domestic abuse, also called intimate partner violence and abuse, is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading or violent behaviors. It can be dictating what a partner is allowed to wear, who they see or speak to how they use their money, or stalking them once their relationship has ended. It is one of the most common crimes in our society. It often goes unreported, and it is exceptionally dangerous.
Skip to 0 minutes and 44 seconds It usually happens behind closed doors, out of sight and mind. There are signs we can all spot, and there are things we can all do to prevent it and to offer support this free online course will teach you how to recognize, understand, and tackle intimate partner violence and abuse. We will explore the many different forms that intimate partner violence and abuse takes and the barriers they face in reaching safety or gaining justice by looking to the past, we will discover the historical roots. Of many of the pervasive myths and misconceptions that color our understanding of domestic abuse today, we look at the signs of domestic abuse and help you to understand what to be concerned about.
Skip to 1 minute and 25 seconds We will explore what is being done to combat intimate partner violence and abuse, both directly and to advocacy. Join us as we all try to make a difference.