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Situation analysis

In this step we look at situation analysis in relation to the planning of eye care services.

Situation analysis is a collection of methods that helps planners and managers understand an organisation’s performance and internal and external factors affecting it. It helps us to understand where we are now, and what should come next in terms of planning.

As you watch, think about who to involve when planning in eye care at a hospital, district, or national level, and what information must be available to conduct a situation analysis.


In a SWOT analysis we consider both internal and external environments. In a health system, what is the external environment and why is it important to take it into consideration when planning?

Given what we now know about planning and situation analysis, cast your mind back to your local setting or to Zrenya district from week 2.

  • Can the backlog of cataract blindness be addressed? If so what is the key focus for the change that must take place? How do we decide?

  • What can be done about refractive services in this district?

  • Should change be in stages or all at once?

Let us and the other learners know what you think in the comments area below.

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Global Blindness: Planning and Managing Eye Care Services

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