Skip to 0 minutes and 12 seconds Health professionals are increasingly working and studying and training around the world. And health care students are increasingly doing so as well. Electives are student-organized placements. And because student interest are so diverse, electives are equally diverse. For some people, electives really are transformative and can define their career choices. However, there are a number of pitfalls and challenges associated with electives. Some of them are clinical. Some of them are ethical. Some of them are legal. The course includes a significant amount of global health, which is really important to help students understand how different health systems work and how the social determinants of health contribute to the types of health care need that present at health systems.
Skip to 1 minute and 0 seconds We will also give them the tools to stay safe on clinical placement abroad. And fundamentally, we hope that students who are going to go on an elective will feel more prepared and will enjoy the experience more as a consequence.