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Responding to diverse identities

We often form stereotypes about our own cultural groups and other cultural groups based on cultural identities. Stereotypes associated with attitudes

We at times use cultural identities to form stereotypes about our own cultural groups and others. Stereotypes influence attitudes which can become prejudice. If we act on such prejudice, it can lead to discrimination.

In focusing on cultural identity, we need to be aware that it can be overemphasized or overgeneralized. These can lead to the following forms and symptoms:

Stereotypes (perceptual level) – our overgeneralized views towards a specific group of people who share similar identities.

Prejudice (attitudinal level) – our preconceived opinions (usually not based on actual experiences or logical reasons) and the related judgments about others.

Discrimination (behavioral level) – our unjust, excluding, biased, or proactively prejudicial treatment of those we relegate to different categories, usually based on perceptions of race, age, sex, or other social or personal lifestyle markers.

For each of these conditions, no matter at what level (and they do often overlap), the maxim “Not Wrong- Just Different” can help us try to understand the cultural logics that may be behind the noticeable differences of certain cultural groups. We need not become absolutely relativistic and accept every behavior under the sun (realizing that even some established cultural patterns might be harmful to some group members), but we should at least try to understand the origins and intentions of those actions. The downloadable article by Kelli McLoud-Schingen, 2015, is helpful for a better understanding of “Prejudice, Bias, Discrimination”. It is also important to think further about our ingroup and outgroup categories, and how Allport’s “Contact Hypothesis might help bridge these relations.

As we noted in the video, categorization is important, but we should seek to do so in a way that takes into account the dynamics and varieties of cultures. Seek to re-evaluate the nature of any of your generalized or fixed ideas about other groups.

We further discuss the importance of these terms:

Ingroups provide what Maslow noted as a basic human need for security and belonging. Relating to our cultural ingroups is usually easier, more comfortable, and gives us senses of regular and predictable patterns, reducing uncertainty.

Outgroups, however normally perceived or formed, can exclude, make us feel more different than we actually are (or exaggerate those differences), create misunderstandings and sometimes even hostilities.

Categorization is important, but we should seek to do so in ways that take into account the dynamics and varieties of cultures. Seek to re-evaluate the nature of any of your generalized or fixed ideas about other groups.

We recommend that you watch “The danger of a single story” 2009 TED Talk by the writer Chimamanda Adichie . Please reflect on when and how you may have let your assumptions or perception of others reduce them to a single but limited story.
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Intercultural Communication: Dynamics of cultural identities in global interaction

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