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Data Maturity Matrix

Craig introducing the data maturity matrix.

By bringing these conversations together:

Model showing 8 areas across the 3 main themes for success. For "ambition" the areas are 1. strategy (data aligned to strategy) and 2. investment (data investment in plan). For "ability to execute", the areas are 3. people (skills in place and rewarded), 4. process data (processes embedded) and 5. technology (sophistication of tools). finally for "environment" areas are 6. governance (ethical oversight), 7. leadership (clarity and accoutability) and 8. culture (open and adaptable)Success model (Click to expand)

and adding a maturity scale:

6 points on the Scale. 1. No engagement, 2. ad-hoc (more misaligned than hard aligned - hard to add value quickly). 3. Foundation (more aligned than not - basically "good enough" to add value). 4. Competitive (Leading in certain aspect over your competitors). 5. Differentiating (People are writing case studies about you). 6. Leading (You are doing industry leading, cutting-edge research.)Maturity Scale (Click to expand)

we create the data maturity matrix:

Matrix listing the 8 areas from the success model in the left column (governance, leadership, vulture, strategy, inverstment, people, process, techology and data) with the maturity scale as the header row along the top: none, ad-hoc, foundation, competitive, differentiating or leadingMaturity Matrix (Click to expand)

Let’s use the workbooks to bring this alive.

I would like you to fill in the maturity matrix so that you can identify where you are on the matrix right now.

There are a number of different perspectives from which you can complete the assessment:

  • Your maturity as an individual.
  • Your maturity as a department and/or an organisation.
  • Your customers’ maturity?
  • Your stakeholders’ maturity?

Each of these questions can result in different scores, sometimes even a range of scores i.e. “my organisation has capabilities that lie between ad-hoc and competitive”.

Can you go ahead and complete the Data Maturity Matrix for where you are right now.

This is a useful tool for promoting self-reflection and identifying questions that need to be answered. How did you fill in the canvas? And do you have any thoughts you want to share with the other learners?

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Introduction to Data for Business Leaders

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