Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Hello. I’m Geoff Abbott, Director of executive coaching at QUT’s Graduate School of Business in Brisbane, Australia. Welcome to Leadership Coaching through Turbulent Times, playing with eFIRE. This course is designed for leaders
Skip to 0 minutes and 18 seconds who are facing these kinds of pressures: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, or VUCA, in their business world. It presents the eFIRE approach to leadership coaching - a model and a mindset - designed for people confronting messy challenges. It’s drawn from the best knowledge in areas such as psychology, business, sport, and economics in a form that is easy to digest and easy to apply. We’ll follow the story of Gerick and Jas as they attempt to adopt a coaching approach to their leadership in the VUCA environment. We will challenge you to do the same. Join me as we play with eFIRE and help you to tackle your individual challenges in the VUCA world of organisational life.