Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds What is blended learning? How is blended learning facilitated in higher education? Why does blended learning matter? How can we advance blended learning practices? In this course, we explore these big questions through critical lenses and case studies. Over the past decade, we have witnessed an increasing reliance on technology to facilitate educational delivery, learner interaction, and decision-making related to learning. With the Internet and technology being more accessible today, blended learning has emerged as a popular learning design in higher education. Despite inconsistency in the definition of blended learning, it is generally believed that blended learning integrates both online and face-to-face modes. Combining the best of the two worlds, it is believed that blended learning can enhance learning and cost-effectiveness.
Skip to 1 minute and 6 seconds However, research has found that blended learning practice has primarily been implemented in a bottom-up approach by individual instructors, rather than as an institutional endeavour. It is also noted that staff are in dire need of professional development in support of their blended learning practice. Importantly, in order to ensure that blended learning practice aligns with pedagogical principles and the strategic vision of educational institutions, we need to take a systematic approach to evaluate the quality and maturity of blended learning in terms of the learning experience, teaching activities, and the institutional conditions.
Skip to 1 minute and 47 seconds In order to bridge this gap, we invite learners of this course to reflect on the blended learning practices, conditions, strategies and policies in their institutional and regional contexts, and collaboratively identify tracks for optimisation or change to mature their blended learning practices. This course is offered by a team of international experts from University of Edinburgh, Delft University of Technology, KU Leuven, Dublin City University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Aarhus University, and European Association of Distance Teaching Universities. You will be hearing about best practices of blended learning in these institutions and regions. You will also be expected to join this community to exchange your experience and learn from others. We are looking forward to meeting you at the course.