Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds We can repair and replace a wide range of joints within the human body. But what if we could regenerate the human joints before they get so damaged that they need to get replaced? This is the promise of the new field of regenerative medicine. In this course, you will explore the development of new regenerative therapies, as well as how artificial replacement joints are designed to help patients stay active. With an ageing population, and the number of people living with chronic diseases also increasing, it is important to help people to remain healthy for longer. This also reduces costs to healthcare providers in the long term.
Skip to 0 minutes and 49 seconds Meet some key players in the field of regenerative medicine and hear from patients about their experiences of joint replacement and regenerative therapies. Discover the expertise and work taking place at the University of Leeds.
Skip to 1 minute and 3 seconds Join us on Medtech: Orthopaedic Implants and Regenerative Medicine today.