Skip to 0 minutes and 2 seconds Hello. I’m Bart Collins and I’m with the Brian Lamb School of Communication in Purdue University. And in this three week course we’re gonna spend a lot of time talking about components of the persuasive process. But in a nutshell, persuasions about changing strategically and systematically in the context that we’re talking about. Either beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors in a target population. And this involves the systematic development of persuasive messages or even collection of messages what we might call campaigns. Over the next three weeks our goal is to introduce you to this concept of persuasion in strategic communication concepts, such as PR marketing and advertising through short lectures, recommended readings, and even insights from industry professionals.
Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds We hope to help you understand some of the basic ideas associated with persuasion, and how you can apply these concepts, in your own organization to help improve the type of work you’re doing.