Skip to 0 minutes and 12 seconds MATTHEW MUNDY: How do we learn and remember? And factors can influence our learning? What role does reward and punishment play in shaping our behavior? Hi I’m Matthew Mundy. I’m the Director of Education for the School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University in Australia. In this course you’ll explore the ‘Psychology of Learning’. You’ll find out about the influence of behaviorism and biological factors within the study of learning. You’ll also investigate the basic principles of classical and operant conditioning. And because psychology doesn’t operate within a vacuum, you’ll have the chance to apply what you know to a real world situation. This introductory course is designed for everyone, regardless of experience or background. No prior study of psychology is required or expected.
Skip to 0 minutes and 56 seconds So if you want to learn more about the behaviors principles and factors that impact the way we learn, by a School of Psychological Sciences is ranked among the best in the world. Then I encourage you to join us in this course.