Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds [Mark Langley] Chemistry is a fantastic subject which bridges the physical sciences and life sciences, with everything around us a product of chemistry. No object can be made that is not composed of chemicals. Students are fascinated by the wide array of reactions and experiments, but can also be challenged by the underlying science. Experiments in the classroom are effective ways to engage your students in the amazing world of chemistry allowing them to have first-hand experience of observing chemical phenomena up close. Teaching Practical Chemistry will take you through a series of experiments and demonstrations suitable for students aged 14-16 years studying chemistry.
Skip to 0 minutes and 45 seconds Each week will focus on a specific curriculum topic, coupled with a pedagogical theme to support your development as a science teacher, as well as hints and tips on staging effective practical activities with your students In week 1 we will look at a series of electrolysis experiments alongside how to build context into your practical work. Week 2 will focus on rates of reaction practicals and progression of your students’ chemistry knowledge and practical skills over time. Assessment in chemistry will form the basis of week 3 where we will also look at different methods of making salts and how students can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in practical chemistry, identifying how well students understand the methodology behind the activities.
Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds This course is one of three secondary practical science courses from STEM Learning, designed for both new and experienced teachers to enhance student learning through practical work. As a participant on this course you
Skip to 1 minute and 41 seconds will be able to: gain confidence in teaching and evaluating practical skills in chemistry; share ideas on how to bring real world contexts to science lessons; plan for progression and assessment in practical work; and collaborate with peers, educators and mentors to share and critique ideas for teaching practical science. Join us online and develop your students’ learning through practical chemistry.