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Apple pages for audio and written feedback

In this video, we see how Apple Pages can be used for providing students with audio and written feedback from peers and the teacher.

In this video, Susan Dench, Executive Headteacher at the West Grantham Academy, St Hugh’s (secondary), shares how she’s made use of iTunesU and Apple Pages to create an online approach to providing efficient feedback.

Susan shares how important peer feedback and collaboration are for pupils in assessing work. She describes how technology has reduced marking workload and made things more efficient for her and colleagues. The tools she describes can be used to provide both written and audio feedback.

The tools used by Susan are:

  • iTunesU – a free educational course making app
  • Apple Pages – A word processor used on Apple Devices
  • School Work – a free app for setting work and enabling collaboration between pupils
If you choose to focus on this case study as part of this week’s learning, you can share your initial reflections and questions with the course community in the comments space below.
  • How might these approaches be applied in your own context to solve a challenge you’ve identified?
Whilst Susan makes use of iPads, consider what might enable you to achieve similar in your own context if you don’t currently have a 1-1 iPad scheme.
If you’re interested in using audio for more efficient feedback, you may be interested in taking a look at the ‘how to’ videos linked below and created by Harmeet Sahota and Kieran Briggs.
When you are ready click the ‘Mark as complete’ button below and then select ‘Next’ to see the next case study. Just keep clicking ‘Next’ until you arrive at the case study you’ve chosen to focus on this week. Alternatively, you can return to the initial menu of case studies.
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Using Technology in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning

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