Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Have you ever felt down, frightened, or stressed for a longer period of time? Do you find it hard to deal with other people, or you cannot manage to sit still and concentrate on your schoolwork? You are not the only one. At least one in five young people suffered, or is suffering, from psychological problems such as depression, fear, eating disorders, or ADHD. What is worse is that many of the mental health problems actually start when you are still an adolescent. It’s very likely that you have, or had, to deal with this, or that you know someone who does. Have you ever wondered what psychological problems actually are and what you can do about it?
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds The University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, and Cambridge University will help you answer these questions in the easily accessible free online course about mental health especially designed for young people. By using personal stories, animations, short assignments, quizzes, and interviews, you will explore mental health, and you will learn to recognise the most common psychological problems. You will also find out what you can do to prevent mental health problems, or how to deal with these problems once you have them. If this seems interesting to you, sign on and join us in this mental health exploration.