Online ExpertTrack in Business & Management

International Leadership Skills for the Workplace

Develop expert leadership skills by studying leadership theories and cultural management in an international context.

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Coventry UniversityCoventry University

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Level-up your leadership skills within the workplace

Build the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in a leadership role with this ExpertTrack from Coventry University.

Across 5 courses, you’ll grow your understanding of international leadership including:

  • the key concepts in leadership
  • the evolution of management theory
  • how culture impacts a leader’s responsibilities
  • the role of politics in leadership
  • an assessment of your own leadership capabilities.

Upon completion of this ExpertTrack, you’ll have a strong understanding of what it takes to be a genuine leader and how you can grow your leadership qualities based on your own skills, as well as the requirements of your position.

Build skills to manage change within your organisation

You’ll discuss the Global Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) study and Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture, as well as other theories around workplace culture.

This will help you understand how organisational culture impacts a leader’s responsibilities and to identify the leadership skills needed for recognising and managing culture.

You’ll look at leaders’ roles in culture design and management, and examine the importance of organisational culture in strategic management.

Develop your leadership skills by exploring frameworks for ethical decision-making

Discover how ethical leadership is used for effective decision-making in organisations around the world. You’ll be introduced to models for ethical decision-making, including Kohlberg’s theory of moral development.

You’ll have the chance to use this understanding of leadership and management theories to assess your own leadership qualities and discover how to apply best-practice within your organisation.

Understand the role of politics in leadership and examine different leadership philosophies

This ExpertTrack introduces you to various philosophies in leadership, including Path-Goal theory, the Situational Approach, the Full Range Leadership Model and the Leader-Member Exchange Theory.

Explore the influence of leadership style and behaviour using real-world examples, and learn how these can impact organisational culture and performance.

Assess your personal leadership characteristics using tools for reflective practice in leadership

You’ll be introduced to reflective models – such as Gibb’s model and the Driscoll model of reflection. You’ll use these to evaluate the importance of reflection in a professional setting.

Complete leadership questionnaires to reflect on your personal leadership capabilities and learn how to use reflective practice to become a more effective leader.

You’ll also have the opportunity to refine your reflective portfolio with guidance from industry experts at Coventry University.

Key skills you will learn

  • Reflective models
  • International leadership
  • GLOBE study
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Ethical leadership
  • Managing organisational culture
  • Leadership development
  • Leadership and management theory
  • Power and leadership
  • Culture management
  • Managing change
  • Management

Learning outcomes

By the end of the ExpertTrack, you’ll be able to...

  • Identify theoretical approaches to responsible leadership
  • Examine the relationship between international leadership and management
  • Identify and analyse leadership styles and skills in the context of international organisations
  • Discuss the roles of leaders and managers in achieving organisational objectives

Experience required

While there are no formal academic requirements for joining this course, we recommend learners have experience of working in a leadership role or be working towards taking on leadership responsibilities within an organisation.

Getting started

This course is designed for anyone looking to develop their leadership skills within a professional context. Learners may be looking to progress into a leadership role within their existing organisation or career. It is also suitable for those wanting to improve their leadership skills in general as part of their continued professional development.

ExpertTrack course overview

  • Course 1

    Develop an in-depth understanding of leadership and management theories that you can use to assess your own leadership qualities.

    1 test

    2 weeks

    5 hours per week

    • Week 1

      What is Leadership?
      • Welcome to the course
      • Leadership theory
      • Ways to assess leadership
      • The difference between leaders and managers
    • Week 2

      Leadership and Management
      • Power
      • Assessing your own leadership qualities
      • Summary activities
  • Course 2

    Learn how to identify changes in workplace culture and explore the leadership skills needed to manage them.

    1 peer-graded assignment

    2 weeks

    5 hours per week

    • Week 1

      Cultural Differences in Leadership Styles
      • Welcome to the course
      • The importance of culture
      • How leadership creates culture
      • Case studies of leadership
    • Week 2

      Understanding Cultural Differences
      • Hofstede's theory
      • Hall's theory
      • Leadership and culture
  • Course 3

    Explore frameworks for ethical decision-making that can be applied in organisations around the globe to ensure ethical leadership.

    1 peer-graded assignment

    2 weeks

    5 hours per week

    • Week 1

      Ethical Theory
      • What is ethics?
      • Ethical decision-making models
      • Perspectives on leadership ethics
      • Unethical leadership
    • Week 2

      The Essence of Ethical Leadership
      • The principles of ethical leadership
      • The dark side of leadership
  • Course 4

    Evaluate leadership philosophies and identify and distinguish these characteristics in various political leaders and scenarios.

    1 test

    1 peer-graded assignment

    2 weeks

    5 hours per week

    • Week 1

      A Closer Look at Leadership Theories
      • The situational approach
      • Path-goal theory
      • Leader-member exchange theory
    • Week 2

      How Authentic and Charismatic a Leader Are You?
      • Authentic leadership
      • Charismatic leadership
      • Transformational leadership
      • Leadership in politics
  • Course 5

    Reflect on your leadership characteristics and boost your leadership capabilities using various reflective models.

    1 peer-graded assignment

    2 weeks

    5 hours per week

    • Week 1

      The Importance of Reflection
      • Reflection
      • Reflective models
    • Week 2

      Reflection as the Key to Effective Leadership
      • Reflection and leadership
      • Preparing for your assignment

Prove you're job ready

Highlight the new, job-relevant skills you’ve gained and supplement existing qualifications with a hard-earned, industry-specific digital certificate – plus one for every course within your ExpertTrack.

  • Learn the latest in your chosen industry or subject.
  • Complete each course and pass assessments.
  • Receive certificates validated by the educating organisation.
  • Impress employers with learning outcomes you can add to your CV.
  • Make your career dreams a reality.

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How ExpertTracks work

Join an ExpertTrack to master new skills in your chosen specialist area. Work through a series of topic-focused courses at your own pace, and pass the final assessment to earn a digital certificate award which proves your expertise.

Join a free 2-day trial

Decide if the ExpertTrack is right for you with free access to the full suite of courses and assessments for a week.

Keep learning for $39/month

Pay a monthly subscription fee of $39 for as long as it takes you to complete the ExpertTrack. You can learn at your own pace and cancel at any time.

Earn digital certificates

Receive a certificate for every completed course and pass the final assessment to earn a digital certificate.

Become an expert

Use your specialist training to progress further in your career or build expertise in areas you’re passionate about.

World-class learning with Coventry University

Coventry secured 5 QS Stars for Teaching and Online Learning in the QS World University Ranking 2020 and has received No. 1 in the world for Massive Open Online Courses in MoocLab’s World University Ranking 2021.

  • Established

  • Location


Learning on FutureLearn

Your learning, your rules

  • Courses are split into weeks, activities, and steps to help you keep track of your learning
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to keep track of your step completion and assessment scores

Join a global classroom

  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and course educators on every step of the course
  • Join the conversation by reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

Map your progress

  • As you work through the course, use notifications and the Progress page to guide your learning
  • Whenever you’re ready, mark each step as complete, you’re in control
  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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After your free trial you can:

  • Pay $39 per month to keep learning online
  • Have complete control over your subscription; you can cancel any time
  • Work at your own pace and set your own deadlines at every stage
  • Only pay while you’re learning; the subscription will cancel automatically when you finish
  • Complete online assessments to test your knowledge and prove your skills
  • Earn digital course certificates and a final award that you can share online, with potential employers, and your professional network
  • Keep access to the content of courses you complete even after your subscription ends


ExpertTracks are a series of online courses designed to help you master new skills in specialist areas. You pay a monthly subscription fee which includes access to all courses within the ExpertTrack, as well as assessments and the final digital certificate.

Each ExpertTrack comes with a 2-day free trial period. You may cancel your subscription at any time and your subscription will automatically cancel when you finish the courses and assessments in your chosen ExpertTrack.

Yes. All of our ExpertTracks come with a 2-day free trial. You may claim one free trial period per ExpertTrack.

You have two days before you will be charged your first monthly subscription fee. When you join an ExpertTrack you automatically receive a 2-day free trial period. You can cancel at any time during the trial period and no payment will be taken from your account.

Please see our full refund policy here.

No, all of our ExpertTracks consist of fully online courses. This means you can take an ExpertTrack from anywhere in the world.

No. ExpertTracks are designed for you to master new skills in a specialist area. You will earn a digital certificate that proves your learning, but it does not carry accreditation.

If you’re looking for certified or accredited courses, many of our microcredentials offer university credit or professional certification.

Have more questions about ExpertTracks? Read the ExpertTracks FAQs, or contact us.