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用語集(Week 1)

用語集(Week 1)

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NOTE: This is the glossary for Week 1. Each week will have its own glossary to which you can refer in the last step of that week. The PDF version includes the glossary for all weeks.

  • 朝倉(あさくら) :warrior clan that became a daimyo family [1.18]
  • 足利(あしかが) :Warrior family that founded the Muromachi shogunate [1.17]
  • 足利学校(あしかががっこう) :Ashikaga-Gakkō (Ashikaga School) is Japan’s oldest academic institution. [1.13]
  • 校倉造り(あぜくらづくり) :log-storehouse style; one of the architectural styles of the Nara or the Heian periods [1.8]
  • 阿弥陀経(あみだきょう) :one of the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism [1.10]
  • 阿弥陀堂(あみだどう) :Houses the principal image statue of Amida Nyorai [1.13]

  • 以心崇伝(いしんすうでん) :(1569-1633) monk in Rinzai sect [1.20]
  • 医書大全(いしょたいぜん) :Ming-era Chinese medical text [1.18]
  • 伊勢物語(いせものがたり) :a tenth-century collection of short tales with waka poems [1.20]
  • 一乗谷(いちじょうだに) :location in modern Fukui prefecture [1.18]
  • 乙亥字(いつがいし) :metal type in Yi Dynasty Korea in 1455 [1.20]
  • 今川(いまがわ) :family of feudal lords during the Warring States period [1.18]
  • 印仏(いんぶつ) :stamped images of the Buddha [1.9]

  • 上杉憲実(うえすぎのりざね) :(1410-1466) warlord who held a number of high government posts during the Muromachi shogunate [1.13]

  • 栄西(えいさい) :(1141‐1215)priest and founder of RInzai sect [1.14]
  • 衛夫人体(えいふじんたい) :from the name of a script named after a famous Chinese female calligrapher [1.19]
  • 江戸 :period of Japanese history when the country was ruled by the Tokugawa shoguns (1603-1868). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.5],[1.7],[1.19],[1.20]
  • 恵美押勝(えみのおしかつ) :Led a rebellion against the state in 764 [1.9]
  • 円覚寺(えんがくじ) :temple in Kamakura [1.14]
  • 円光寺(えんこうじ) :temple in Fushimi, Kyoto [1.20]
  • 円種(えんしゅう) :monk who travelled to China during the Song dynasty [1.13]

  • 往生要集(おうじょうようしゅう) :Buddhist text written by the monk Gensin [1.12]
  • 応仁・文明の乱(おうにんぶんめいのらん) :(1467-1477) Long and bloody civil war between competing military families [1.17]
  • 王勃(おうぼつ) :(649-676) early Tang literatus [1.8]
  • 大内氏(おおうちし) :a daimyo family of medieval Japan [1.17],[1.18]
  • 小瀬 甫庵(おぜほあん) :(1564-1640) Confucian scholar, physician and scholar of military science [1.19]
  • 折本(おりほん) :traditional binding style [1.10],[1.12]

  • 開宝蔵(かいほうぞう) :the Tripitaka of the Kaibao era (968-976) [1.10]
  • 開眼(かいがん) :eye-opening ceremony of the Great Buddha [1.8]
  • 快賢(かいけん) :monk of the Shingon sect [1.12]
  • 界線(かいせん) :lines on paper, border lines between lines of text. You can see an example around 4:43 in this video. [1.11]
  • 春日大社(かすがたいしゃ) :the family shrine of the Fujiwara clan in Nara [1.11]
  • 春日版(かすがばん) :books printed at the Kofukuji Temple [1.8],[1.11]
  • 形木(かたぎ) :wooden printing blocks [1.9]
  • 楽毅論(がっきろん) :Essay on General Yue Yi [1.8]
  • 嘉定(かてい) :reign of Chinese history (1208-1224) [1.13]
  • 仮名(かな) :Japan’s syllabic script, derived from Chinese characters [1.12]
  • 金沢文庫(かなざわぶんこ) :library established in the Kamakura period by the military elite [1.13]
  • 鎌倉 :city in modern Kanagawa prefecture [1.1],[1.13],[1.14]
  • 鎌倉 :period of Japanese history when Japan was ruled by a military government (1185-1333). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.1],[1.11],[1.12],[1.13],[1.14],[1.18]
  • 漢(かん) :Chinese dynasty (206BC-220 AD) [1.5],[1.6],[1.20]
  • 寛永(かんえい) :era in Edo period (1624-1625). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history and era names in Edo period. [1.20]
  • 勧学文(かんがくぶん) :poems for encouraging learning [1.19]
  • 勘合船(かんごうせん) :trade ships between China and Japan in Muromachi period; kangō means “official-seal” [1.17]
  • 漢字 :(Ch. hanzi) Chinese characters [1.12]
  • 寛治(かんじ) :era in Heian period (1087-1094). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.8]
  • 閑室元佶(かんしつげんきつ) :(1548-1612) monk of the Rinzai sect, a. k. a. Sanyō Genkitu [1.20]
  • 関東 :eastern district in Japan [1.13]
  • 寛和(かんな) :era in Heian period (985-987). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.10]

  • 伎楽面(ぎがくめん) :masks that were used in ceremonies and rituals [1.8]
  • 窺基(きき) :(632-682) founder of Hossō sect [1.11]
  • 北野経王堂(きたのきょうおうどう) :a Buddhist hall in Kyoto [1.20]
  • 畿内(きない) :the provinces around the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto [1.12],[1.18]
  • 匡郭(きょうかく) :the border surrounding the text in traditional Chinese printed books [1.14]
  • 京都 :the center of politics and culture for most of Japan’s history [1.1],[1.12],[1.13],[1.14],[1.17],[1.18],[1.20]
  • 清原教隆(きよはらののりたか) :(1199-1265) a professor of Confucian Classics [1.13]
  • 錦繍段(きんしゅうだん) :a poetry collection [1.19]

  • 空海(くうかい) :(774-835) Shingon sect’s founder [1.12]
  • 九条家(くじょうけ) :family of courtiers [1.14]
  • 黒谷上人語灯録(くろだにしょうにんごとうろく) :Buddhist text of the Kamakura period [1.12]
  • 群書治要(ぐんしょちよう) :Collected Writings on Important Matters of Government [1.13],[1.20]

  • 慶雲(けいうん) :era in Asuka period (704-708). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.8]
  • 慶長(けいちょう) :era in Edo period (1596-1615). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history and era names in Edo period. [1.19],[1.20]
  • 景徳伝灯録(けいとくでんとうろく) :Chinese collection of biographies of Zen patriarchs [1.14]
  • 華厳経(けごんきょう) :Flower Garland Sutra; one of Mahayana Buddhist sutras [1.8],[1.9],[1.11]
  • 外臺秘要方(げだいひようほう) :Tang-era Chinese medical treatise [1.13]
  • 元(げん) :Chinese dynasty (1271-1368) [1.14],[1.15],[1.17]
  • 元弘(げんこう) :era in Kamakura period (1331-1333). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.13]
  • 源氏物語(げんじものがたり) :Prose romance written by Murasaki Shikibu in the early 11th c. [1.13]
  • 玄奘三蔵(げんじょうさんぞう) :(602-664) Chinese monk [1.11]
  • 源信(げんしん) :(942-1017) priest of the Tendai sect [1.12]
  • 建長(けんちょう) :era in Kamakura preiod (1249-1256). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.12]
  • 建長寺(けんちょうじ) :temple in Kamakura [1.14]
  • 釼阿(けんな) :(1261-1338) scholar monk [1.13]
  • 建仁寺(けんにんじ) :Temple in Kyoto [1.1]

  • 甲寅字(こういんじ) :the type used in Yi Dynasty Korea [1.20]
  • 孝経(こうきょう) :one of the classic of Confucianism [1.19]
  • 皇元風雅(こうげんふうが) :14th c. anthology of Chinese poetry [1.15]
  • 孔子家語(こうしけご) :The Sayings of Confucius’ School [1.20]
  • 孝宗(こうそう) :emperor Xiaozong (r. 1162-1189) [1.13]
  • 光仁天皇(こうにんてんのう) :the 49th emperor (r. 770-781) [1.8]
  • 興福寺(こうふくじ) :temple of the Fujiwara clan in Nara [1.10],[1.11]
  • 高野山(こうやさん) :the main center of Shingon Buddhism [1.12]
  • 古活字版(こかつじばん) :”Old” movable type editions of early- modern Japan (“old” to differentiate them from modern movable-type editions) [1.20]
  • 後漢(ごかん) :Chinese dynasty (25-220 C.E.) [1.5],[1.6]
  • 虎関師錬(こかんしれん) :(1278-1346) monk of the Rinzai sect [1.18]
  • 古今和歌集(こきんわかしゅう) :Collection of Waka Old and New, 905 [1.13]
  • 五山(ござん) :five government-sponsored Zen temples in Kyoto and Kamakura [1.14],[1.15],[1.17],[1.18],[1.19]
  • 五山版(ござんばん) :printed books by the five Gozan temples [1.14],[1.15],[1.18,[1.17],[1.21]
  • 五大老(ごたいろう) :committee of daimyo formed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to rule Japan until his son Hideyori’s coming of age [1.20]
  • 胡蝶装(こちょうそう) :a traditional bookbinding style [1.14]
  • 古文孝経(こぶんこうきょう) :Old-Text Classic of Filial Piety [1.12]
  • 古文真宝(こぶんしんぽう) :Chinese anthology of Tang and Song dynasty writing [1.20]
  • 後陽成天皇(ごようぜいてんのう) :(1571-1617) the 107th emperor of Japan [1.19]
  • 金剛峰寺(こんごうぶじ) :temple on Mount Kōya [1.12]

  • 西大寺(さいだいじ) :the main temple of the Shingon-risshū sect in Nara prefecture [1.11]
  • 蔡倫(さいりん) :Chinese government official of the Han dynasty [1.6]
  • 嵯峨(さが) :area in Kyoto [1.15]
  • 堺(さかい) :the modern Osaka area [1.18]
  • 嵯峨本(さがぼん) :general name for books published by Yoshida Soan in the Saga area of Kyoto during the Edo period. [1.20]
  • 薩摩(さつま) :modern Kagoshima prefecture [1.18]
  • 三教指帰(さんごうしいき) :Indications on the Three Teaching,794, by Kūkai [1.12]
  • 三註(さんちゅう) :a series of texts for early learners [1.19]
  • 三要(さんよう) :(1548~1612) monk of the Rinzai sect, a. k. a. Kanshitsu Genkitsu [1.20]
  • 三略(さんりゃく) :Three Strategies of Huang Shigong [1.20]
  • 三論玄義(さんろんげんぎ) :Buddhism text by the Chinese monk Jizang (549-623) [1.11]

  • 詩経(しきょう) :China’s oldest poetry anthology [1.5]
  • 四書(ししょ) :Four important texts of Confucianism: the Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects, and the Mencius [1.19]
  • 詩序(しじょ) :Poetry Preface by the early Tang literatus Wang Bo (649-676) [1.8]
  • 四体千文書法(したいせんぶんしょほう) :The One Thousand Character Classic in Four Calligraphic Styles [1.18]
  • 侍中群要(じちゅうぐんよう) :Compendium of administrative guidelines for courtiers [1.13]
  • 四分律(しぶんりつ) :Text giving the rules of monastic life for Buddhist practitioners [1.7],[1.8]
  • 島津(しまづ) :a daimyo family [1.18]
  • 写経(しゃきょう) :hand-copied sutra as well the act of copying a sutra [1.10]
  • 周(しゅう) :Chinese dynasty (1046-256B.C.E.) [1.6]
  • 十七条憲法(じゅうしちじょうけんぽう) :A constitution issued by Prince Shōtoku in the early 7th c. [1.11]
  • 十住心論(じゅうじゅうしんろん) :A Treatise on the Ten Stages of the Mind by the 9th c. monk Kūkai [1.12]
  • 宗存(しゅうぞん) :monk of the Tendai sect [1.20]
  • 聚分韻略(しゅうぶんいんりゃく) :Chinese rhyming dictionary [1.18]
  • 儒学(じゅがく) :study based on classic thought of Confucius [1.13], For more detilas, visit Week 2 [2.5]
  • 朱元璋(しゅげんしょう) :(1328-1398) founder of Chinese Ming dynasty [1.15]
  • 春秋経伝集解(しゅんじゅうけいでんしっかい) :Spring and Autumn Annals and Zuo Tradition with Collected Commentaries [1.13]
  • 貞応嘉禄(じょうおうかろく) :Jōō (1222-1223) era and Karoku (1225-1226) era in Kamakura period. See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.11]
  • 貞観政要(じょうがんせいよう) :Essentials of Politics from the Zhenguan era in China.[1.20]
  • 将軍(しょうぐん) :plenipotentiary commander [1.13],[1.20]
  • 承元(じょうげん) :era in Kamakura period (1207-1210). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.12]
  • 聖語蔵(しょうごぞう) :one of the storehouses of the Sonshōin temple [1.8]
  • 貞治(じょうじ) :era in Kamakura period (1362-1367). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.15]
  • 尚書正義(しょうしょせいぎ) :Correct Meaning of the Classic of Documents [1.13]
  • 承詮(しょうせん) :abbot of Enryakuji temple [1.12]
  • 正倉院(しょうそういん) :Storehouse of the Tōdaiji temple [1.8]
  • 正倉院文書(しょうそういんもんじょ) :A large trove of administrative documents and temple documents relating to the “Office of Sutra Copying” housed in the ‘Central Storehouse’ of the Shōsōin [1.8]
  • 聖徳太子(しょうとくたいし) :(574-622) early Japanese statesman and member of the court during the Asuka period [1.7],[1.11]
  • 称徳天皇(しょうとくてんのう) :(718-770) Japanese empress (r. 764-770) [1.8],[1.9]
  • 浄土宗(じょうどしゅう) :East Asian Buddhist sect popular in Japan from the Heian period onwards [1.12]
  • 称名寺(しょうみょうじ) :temple linked with the Kanazawa library [1.13]
  • 聖武天皇(しょうむてんのう) :(701-756) Japanese emperor [1.7],[1.8]
  • 醤油  :liquid seasoning made by fermenting soybeans and wheat. [1.15]
  • 成唯識論(じょうゆいしきろん) :an important text of the Hossō sect of Buddhism [1.8],[1.11]
  • 成唯識論述記(じょうゆいしきろんじゅつき) :commentary of the Discourse on the Perfection of Consciousness-only [1.11]
  • 初鑄甲寅字(しょちゅうこういんじ) :the metal type in use in Yi Dynasty Korea in 1434 [1.19]
  • 秦(しん) :Chinese dynasty (211-206 BCE) [1.6]
  • 晋(しん) :Chinese dynasty (265-420), Western Jin (265-316), Eastern Jin (317-420) [1.6]
  • 審海(しんかい) :abbot of Shōmyōji temple [1.13]
  • 神護景雲(じんごけいうん) :era in Nara period (767-770). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.9]
  • 真言宗(しんごんしゅう) :one of the main Buddhist sects in Japan; founded by Kūkai [1.12]
  • 真言律宗(しんごんりっしゅう) :One of the risshū sects, based on the doctrines of the Shingon sect. [1.13]

  • 隋(ずい) :Chinese dynasty (581-618) [1.7],[1.8],[1.9]
  • 図註本草(ずちゅうほんぞう) :key text of pharmacy covering plant, animal, and mineral remedies [1.13]
  • 摺経(すりぎょう) :sutras printed by temples for not-for-profit purposes [1.10]
  • 駿河版(するがばん) :general term for the metal type books published by order of Tokugawa Ieyasu [1.20]
  • 駿府(すんぷ) :capital of the Suruga province (modern Shizuoka prefecture) [1.18]

  • 性霊集(せいれいしゅう) :A Collection of Kūkai’s prose and poetry [1,12]
  • 関が原の戦い(せきがはらのたたかい) :The biggest battle of the Warring States period of Japan, 1600 [1.20]
  • 世宗大王(せじょんだいおう) :(1397-1450) the fourth king of Yi (Joseon) Dynasty of Korea [1.19]
  • 節用集(せつようしゅう) :Japanese dictionary published in the Muromachi period [1.18]
  • 禅(ぜん) :one of the Mahayana Buddhist sects [1.1],[1.12],[1.13],[1.14],[1.15],[1.17],[1.18],[1.19],[1.20]
  • 戦国時代(せんごくじだい) :from late 15th c. (beginning in 1467 when the Ōnin wars started or 1493 when Meiō Coup happened) to late 16th c. (end in 1587 when Sobujirei (peace edict) by Toyotomi Hideyoshi or 1590, the end of Odawara war). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.17]
  • 戦国時代(せんごくじだい) :period of Chinese history (403-221 BCE). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.6]
  • 戦国大名(せんごくだいみょう) :feudal lords of the Warring States period in Japan [1.17]
  • 千字文(せんじもん) :Book used throughout premodern East Asia to teach basic literacy [1.18]

  • 宋(そう) :Chinese dynasty (960-1279) [1.10],[1.12],[1.13],[1.14]
  • 増続会通韻府郡玉(ぞうぞくかいつういんぷぐんぎょく) :dictionary published by the printer-bookseller, Tanaka Chōzaemon [1.20]
  • 則天文字(そくてんもじ) :a new calligraphic style introduced by the Chinese Empress Wu Zetian (624-705) [1.8]
  • 尊勝院(そんしょういん) :Temple in the Tōdaiji temple complex [1.8]

  • 大乗(だいじょう) :A school of Buddhism that emphasizes salvation for all including the lay person [1.5],[1.7],[1.14]
  • 太宗(たいそう) :Emperor of China (r. 976-997),the second emperor of the Northern Song dynasty [1.10],[1.13]
  • 大般若経(だいはんにゃきょう) :An important sutra of the Mahayana tradition of Buddhism [1.11]
  • 大般若波羅蜜多経(だいはんにゃはらみったきょう) :one of the Mahayana Buddhist sutras [1.11]
  • 太平御覧(たいへいぎょらん) :Imperial Reader of the Taiping era in China. [1.13]
  • たまきはる :Fleeting is Life [1.13]
  • 湛睿(たんえい) :(1271-1347) monk-scholar [1.13]
  • 大名(だいみょう) :feudal lords [1.17],[1.18]
  • 陀羅尼(だらに) :a verbal formula believed to have magical force [1.9]

  • 智顗(ちぎ) :Tendai Sect founder [1.12]
  • 千葉県 A Japanese prefecture located east of Tokyo [1.1]
  • 朝鮮時代(ちょうせんじだい) :Korean dynasty that ruled from 1392 to 1897 [1.19]
  • 朝鮮版(ちょうせんばん) :Korean editions [1.19]
  • 奝然(ちょうねん) :monk of the Tōdaiji temple in Nara in the Heian period [1.10]

  • 通鑑紀事本末(つがんきじほんまつ) :Chinese historical work [1.14]
  • 徒然草(つれづれぐさ) :Essays in Idleness. A popular work by Yoshida Kenko (1283-1352) [1.20]

  • 粘葉装(でっちょうそう) :one of the traditional binding methods [1.12],[1.14]
  • 天正(てんしょう) :era in Azuhchi-Momoyama period (1573-1593).See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.18]
  • 天台山(てんだいさん) :one of the three major holy mountains of China [1.10]
  • 天台宗(てんだいしゅう) :one of main sects Mahayana Buddhism [1.12],[1.20]
  • 天平(てんぴょう) :era in Nara period (729-749).See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.7]
  • 天文(てんもん) :era in Muromachi period (1532-1555). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.18]
  • 天龍寺(てんりゅうじ) :temple in Kyoto [1.15]
  • 天龍寺船(てんりゅうじぶね) :official trading vessels of the Muromachi shogunate, dispatched to Yuan Dynasty to raise funds to build the Tenryuji temple [1.17]

  • 唐(とう) :(618-907) Chinese dynasty [1.7],[1.8],[1.13],[1.14],[1.19],[1.20]
  • 道元(どうげん) :(1200-1253) priest, founder of the Soto sect [1.14]
  • 東京 :the present capital of Japan (formerly called Edo) [1.1]
  • 唐招提寺(とうしょうだいじ) :temple in Nara [1.11]
  • 東大寺(とうだいじ) :important temple in Nara prefecture [1.8],[1.9],[1.11]
  • 徳川家康(とくがわいえやす) :(1543-1616) the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan [1.13],[1.19],[1.20]
  • 徳祐(とくゆう) :era of the Song dynasty in China (1275-1276) [1.12]
  • 豊臣秀次(とよとみひでつぐ) :(1568-1595) the second senior regent of the Toyotomi clan [1.13]
  • 豊臣秀吉(とよとみひでよし) :(1537-1598) warrior leader and senior regent to the emperor in the late 16th c. [1.19]
  • 敦煌(とんこう) :city of Western China that was a major stop on the ancient Silk Road. A huge trove of ancient texts were uncovered here at the beginning of the 20th century. [1.8]

  • 奈良 :ancient capital of Japan [1.1],[1.10],[1.12],[1.13]
  • 奈良 :period of Japanese history (710-794). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.1],[1.7],[1.9],[1.11],[1.18]
  • 南禅寺(なんぜんじ) :Nanzenji Temple, a temple in Kyoto [1.14]
  • 南宋(なんそう) :(1127-1279) latter part of the Song dynasty in China [1.14]
  • 南北朝時代:period of Japanese history (1336-1392). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.14],[1.15]
  • 南北朝時代(なんぼくちょうじだい) :period of Chinese history. See 1.3 for the timeline of Chinese history. (439-589) [1.6],[1.7]

  • 日蓮宗(にちれんしゅう) :a sect of Buddhism a. k. a. Hokke sect [1.20]
  • 日本書紀(にほんしょき) :Chronicles of Japan, 720 [1.19]

  • 幕府(ばくふ) :the samurai-led government that ruled Japan from 1185 to 1868. [1.13],[1.17]
  • 林羅山(はやしらざん) :(1583-1657) Confucian scholar, a. k. a. Dōsyun [1.20]
  • 范徳機(はんとくき) :(1272-1330) Chinese poet of the Yuan dynasty [1.15]
  • 版本(はんぽん) :woodblock printed book [1.10]

  • 比叡山(ひえいざん) :the center of Tendai Buddhism [1.12],[1.14]
  • 百万塔陀羅尼(ひゃくまんとうだらに) :Dharani Invocations of the One Million Pagodas [1.9],[1.10]

  • 袋綴じ(ふくろとじ) :traditional binding method in which the sheets are folded “mountain fold” in two, placed on top of each other, and fastened [1.18]
  • 伏見版(ふしみばん) :books printed by the Enkoji temple in Fushimi , Kyoto [1.20]
  • 藤原(ふじわら) :powerful clan that dominated court life in Heian period [1.7],[1.11]
  • 藤原光明子(ふじわらのこうみょうし) :(701-760) Empress Kōmyō, spouse of Emperor Shōmu in Nara period [1.7]
  • 藤原道長(ふじわらのみちなが) :(966-1028) a powerful court noble in the Heian period [1.10]
  • 文禄(ぶんろく) :era in Azuchi-Mooyama preiod (1592-1596). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.19],[1.20]

  • 平安(へいあん) :period of Japanese history (794-1185). See 1.3 for the timeline of Japanese history. [1.1],[1.8],[1.10],[1.11],[1.12]
  • 平安京(へいあんきょう) :the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868, present-day Kyoto [1.10]
  • 碧巌録(へきがんろく) :anthology of Zen koans (teachings and actions of the Zen sect founders) [1.18]

  • 北条氏政(ほうじょううじまさ) :(1538-1590) warrior [1.13]
  • 北条貞顕(ほうじょうさだあき) :(1278-1333) Kamakura-period regent, a.k.a. Kanazawa Sadaaki [1.13]
  • 北条実時(ほうじょうさねとき) :(1224-76) warrior [1.13]
  • 北条氏(ほうじょうし) :family of Kamakura-period hereditary regents [1.13],[1.14]
  • 北条時宗(ほうじょうときむね) :(1251-1284) Kamakura-period regent [1.13]
  • 北条時頼(ほうじょうときより) :(1227-1263) Kamakura-period regent [1.13]
  • 法然(ほうねん) :(1133-1212) founder of Pure Land sect [1.12]
  • 法隆寺(ほうりゅうじ) :temple in Nara; the oldest wooden structure in the world [1.9],[1.11]
  • 北宋時代(ほくそうじだい) :the first part (960-1127) of the Song dynasty [1.10]
  • 法華経(ほけきょう) :one of the most important texts of Mahayana Buddhism [1.10]
  • 細川(ほそかわ) :family of feudal lords during the Warring States period [1.17],[1.18]
  • 法華義疏(ほっけぎしょ) :Buddihist commentary written by Prince Shōtoku [1.7],[1.10],[1.11]
  • 法相宗(ほっそうしゅう) :one of the sects of Mahayana Buddhism [1.11]
  • 法曹類林(ほっそうるいりん) :Late-Heian legal compendium [1.13]
  • 法華三大部(ほっけさんだいぶ) :A traditional name for the Great Concentration and Insight, the Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra ,and the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra [1.12]
  • 本朝続文粋(ほんちょうぞくもんずい) :Late Selection of Excellent Writing from Our Country, 12th c. [1.13]

  • 前田綱紀(まえだつなのり) :(1643-1724) the fourth Lord of the Kaga domain [1.13]

  • 味噌 :fermented soybean paste [1.15]
  • 御堂関白記(みどうかんぱくき) :the diary of the 11th c. court noble Fujiwara Michinaga [1.10]
  • 源頼朝(みなもとのよりとも) :(1147-1199) leader of the Minamoto warrior clan and founder of the Kamakura shogunate [1.13]
  • 妙法蓮華経(みょうほうれんげきょう) :the most representative work of Mahayana Buddhism [1.5]
  • 明(みん) :Chinese dynasty (1368-1644) [1.15],[1.17],[1.18]

  • 無学祖元(むがくそげん) :(1226-1286) Chinese monk of the Rinzai sect [1.14]
  • 無垢浄光大陀羅尼経(むくじょうこうだいだらにきょう) :the source text for the dharani in the Hyakumantō Darani [1.9]
  • 武蔵国(むさしのくに) :old province of Japan corresponding to modern Tokyo and Saitama prefecture [1.13]
  • 室町 :period of Japanese history (1392-1573) [1.13],[1.17],[1.18],[1.20]

  • 明治 :period (1868-1911) [1.8]

  • 蒙求(もうぎゅう) :traditional Chinese text for early education; it was popular in Japan from the Heian onwards [1.19]

  • 山口 :prefecture in Japan [1.18]
  • ヤマト :ancient name of Japan [1.7]

  • 吉田素庵(よしだそあん) :(1571-1632) wealthy merchant and Confucian scholar [1.20]

  • 蘭渓道隆(らんけいどうりゅう) :(1213-1278) Chinese zen monk [1.14]

  • 竜山 徳見(りゅうさんとくけん) :(1284-1358) Zen monk [1.1]
  • 両足院(りょうそくいん) :one of the buildings of the Kenninji temple, Kyoto’s oldest Zen temple [1.1]
  • 林五官(りんごかん) :Chinese worker of medical, money exchanges, and trasportation with permission of Tokugawa Ieyasu [1.20]
  • 臨済宗(りんざいしゅう) :Zen sect [1.14],[1.18]
  • 臨川寺(りんせんじ) :zen temple in the Saga area of Kyoto [1.15]

  • 類書(るいしょ) :reference work such as dictionary [1.13]

  • 六波羅探題(ろくはらたんだい) :a mix between a local magistrate and an envoy of the shogun to the court in Kamakura shogunate [1.13]
  • 論語(ろんご) :A record of the sayings of Confucius compiled by his disciples [1.1],[1.18]
  • 論語註疏(ろんごちゅうそ) :Commentaries and Subcommentaries to the Analects [1.13]

  • 和様(わよう) :Japanese-style [1.11]
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古書から読み解く日本の文化: 漢籍の受容

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