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Filters and slicers

In this video, you’ll explore filtering and slicers. You will learn more about: how to refresh and change the data source for a pivot table the options available in the …

Table references

In this video, you’ll explore table referencing. You will learn more about: replacing cell references with column and row references to make formulae easier to understand creating a reference from …

Introduction to tables

In this video, you’ll be introduced to tables in Excel. You will learn more about: how to create a table how to convert existing data into a table table styles, …

Connecting to Access databases

In this video, you’ll explore how to access data from an external dataset. You will learn more about: the basic features of an Access database how to create a live …

Lookup and reference functions

In this video, you’ll be introduced to lookup functions and reference functions, and their uses. You will learn more about: the CHOOSE function the IFERROR function the HLOOKUP function.


In this video, you’ll explore the AutoSum family of functions. You will learn more about: applying AutoSum to columns and rows using the Count Numbers, Min, and Max functions adding …