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In this video, you’ll explore how to verify a commit message with commitlint. You will learn how to check whether it contains a specific issue number or not.

Git development workflow

In this video, you’ll explore Git development workflow. This video demonstrates the usual development workflow that is applied when you are working on specific features in feature branches.

Cherry-picking commits

In this video, you’ll explore the cherry-picking operation. You will learn that this allows you to take any commit and insert it as the last commit.

Git short log

In this video, you’ll explore the Git short log command. You will learn more about: all commits made in a repository which authors have made more commits.

What is Git ignore?

In this video, you’ll explore what Git ignore is. You will learn how to tell Git which files and folders to ignore.

Introducing rebasing

In this video, you’ll be introduced to rebasing. You will learn that rebasing is a two-step process of firstly rebasing the feature branch on top of the master or release …