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How do we recycle aluminium scrap?

A significant portion of aluminium alloys today is produced by recycling scrap materials. These scraps can come from industrial processes (pre-consumer) or from end-of-life components (post-consumer). To create new alloys …

Focus on the energy industry

Aluminium is becoming more relevant in electrical and energy engineering. It constitutes a reliable, lighter, and less expensive alternative to copper for cables and wires for all electrical applications. It …

Aluminium in building and architecture

Building and construction represent a challenging area of application for aluminium alloys. Mechanical strength, corrosion resistance and durability, attitude to welding and surface finishing allow the realization of innovative architectural …

Aluminium in the automotive and mobility field

Aluminium alloys are strategic for automotive and, more generally, for mobility. They answer to the continuously growing request of safety, performance and sustainability, and are widely used for innovative parts …

Weekly recap + takeaways

This week, we started our journey into the world of aluminium by getting familiar with its properties and its flexibility and discovering how this metal was discovered. We also learnt …

The ubiquity of aluminium

Aluminium is used everywhere, thanks to the excellent combination of properties given by its alloys, and further growth of market and applications is expected in the next decades. This video …

Basic rules for alloy classification

The classification of aluminium alloys must take into account three different levels, mutually interacting: 1. Chemical composition – Refers to alloying elements’ type and amount; 2. Process – Some alloys …

Tailor-made alloys

Aluminium alloys are composition-sensitive. The main alloying elements are copper, zinc, magnesium, silicon, and manganese, and their proper selection or combination results in specific characteristics, such as strength, ductility, corrosion …

Stairway to the heavens: Aluminium and flight

Jules Verne foresaw the first application of aluminium alloys in From the Earth to the Moon, predicting their pivotal role in aeronautics and aerospace. Jean Engel, CC BY 4.0, …

Welcome to our course!

Welcome to our course! This video introduces this comprehensive course on aluminium, one of the most versatile and widely-used metals in the world. We’ll explore aluminium’s unique properties, such as …

The discovery of aluminium as a metal

Despite being the most abundant metal present in Earth’s crust, aluminium was not commonly used until the end of the 19th century. In this video, we explain why and look …

Course recap and evaluation

Congratulations on finishing the course! Before taking the final test, have a quick recap of the course’s content in this last video.

IAI Decarbonisation pathways

The aluminium sector, integral to various industries, faces the dual challenge of meeting a growing demand while addressing its significant carbon footprint. The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) has outlined several …

Decarbonising electricity production

In this video, we explore how electricity production and consumption in the aluminium sector has evolved historically, and we investigate challenges and opportunities for decarbonisation in the future.