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What is Data Clustering?

Have you ever watched the movie “Titanic”? It is one of the world’s most famous films with 11 Oscar awards! The sinking of the Titanic is one of the most …

Nearest Neighbour & Breast Cancer Study

Worldwide, breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women. It is almost 25% of invasive cancers in women. Although it is still a threat, compared to other diseases …

Classification tree & Employee retention

Now, you know what supervised learning and unsupervised learning are. When we do supervised learning, we have to provide the dataset with features and a target so a model can …

What are Models and Predictions?

What is a model? It is a formula that will answer based on inputs. We will use various machine learning methods to make the model. There are two essential models. …

Predictive Analysis for Solving Problems

Once you identified what the problem you like to solve, the critical skill to solve problems using data is decomposing a data analytics problem into pieces. And you should be …

The importance of data-analytic thinking

What is data science? Data science is a set of fundamental principles that guide the extraction of knowledge from data. Data science proceeds by importing data, tidying up data, then, …

Titanic data

Please download Titanic data via the link below. Download Here

Cancer data

Please download cancer data by clicking the link below. Download Here

Lending club data

Please download the lending club data by clicking the link below. Download Here

K-means clustering

K-means clustering Do you remember clustering? Clustering groups together a set of objects in a way that objects in the same cluster are more similar to each other than to …

The Similarity and Correlation

In this article, we discuss a good tool called correlation. Look at the colorful square above. It is a visualization of how closely related the attributes are. In this example, …