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Steps to become a super preceptor: part 3.

Prof. Brown continues explaining the 6 steps in becoming a super preceptor. Step Five: Create a self-sustaining structural framework. Creating a detailed schedule of rotation is essential before the rotation …

Steps to become a super preceptor: part 2.

Prof. Brown continues explaing the 6 steps in becoming a super preceptor. Step Three: Maintaining a GPS of tracking & feedback Much like a navigation system for a car, guidance …

Steps to become a super preceptor

Prof. Brown introduces the 6 steps in becoming a super preceptor. He begins by illustrating the importance of focusing on outcome-centered precepting. In addition, he illustrates the benefits of constructed …

Introduction to this course

Hello and welcome. Thank you for taking this course from Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. This course is an introductory course that will take you through basic terminology, concepts, and processes. …