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Analysing games

Karsten talks about games he has played (and created) and encourages you to think about how game developers have created games using programming constructs. Chose a game and have a …

Using functions

This step builds on the information provided in the video in the previous step. Functions (also called ‘procedures’ in some programming languages and ‘methods’ in most object oriented programming languages) …

Introduction to functions

This video will discuss what functions are, why they are useful in programming, and demonstrate some examples of functions within the game code. Functions are a set of instructions bundled …

Begin Programming: Solving Complex Problems

What if there is a complex problem where a combination of conditional and looping constructs have to be used? Or, multiple conditions and multiple looping constructs have to be used? …

Introduction to algorithms

In this video, we’ll look more in depth at algorithms and how they can be developed to complete tasks, and find solutions to problems. You can also download the algorithm …

Using algorithms

It is recommended that you watch the ‘Introduction to algorithms’ video in the previous step before reading this article. You might also like to use a notepad, or a text …

Introduction to loops

In life some tasks need to be repeated until the job is finished. The same is true in programming. In this video, you’ll learn how ‘while loops’, ‘do-while’ loops and …

Using arrays

You learnt in Week 2 that variables can be thought of as labelled containers that hold certain types of data. Well, arrays can be thought of as a collection of …

Using conditional statements

This tutorial will build on what was learnt in the ‘Introduction to conditional statements’ video (in the previous step) by discussing Boolean logic and how it is used in conditional …

Introduction to conditional statements

In this video you’ll learn about conditional statements and how they’re used in programming. You’ll be making use of them in the game, and will also get an introduction into …

Making changes to the game

In this video we’ll show you how to put your new found knowledge of variables and operators into practice. You will open up the game code in the IDE and …

Introduction to operators

Operators are used to perform functions on the data in our variables. In this video, you will learn about some of the ways operators can be used, see examples of …

Operator precedence

When there is more than one operator in a statement, operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with lower precedence. Some operators have same level of precedence in which …