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Making sense of the academic labour market

 Searching for jobs in the academic labour market can be a bewildering experience for all researchers but even more so for those progressing on from the PhD stage. We see …

Summary and conclusion

Well done! You’ve reached the end of week two. Through a combination of reflection, self-awareness, discussion and your researcher skills you have explored and discovered a range of career options …

Analysing Jobs

By now you should have a range of options you are considering. You may be unsure whether a research fellowship or research associate or teaching role is the next step …

Informational interviews

The internet is one very useful source of information but even at its very best, it can only offer an incomplete picture. Often times when we speak to researchers struggling …

Generating Career Ideas Online

Stuck for ideas? Fortunately, there’s help. Below are links to various online resources that contain detailed descriptions of various occupations as well as online tools that help you to generate …

Tackling the Paradox of Choice

Careers consultants are often asked by researchers if we have a “list” of careers we can give to them. There isn’t one. (Well, not like that.) In the Standard Occupation …

Common Career Areas for Researchers

You can find people who have been academic researchers working in diverse job roles in many different types of organisation. While they all have their experience of academic research in …