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What will we learn?

We will start our course by considering the concepts of vulnerability, risk and good enough parenting. After completing this week, you should begin to be familiar with: The circumstances that …

Watch Billy’s story: ‘Introducing Billy’

Here we are introduced to the fictional scenario running throughout ‘Caring for Vulnerable Children’. Watch the first part of Billy’s story and meet Billy and his mother Karen. The next …

Poll on Rating Risk and Vulnerability

We have acknowledged that the assessment of risk and vulnerability is not an exact science. Seen through different cultural or contextual lenses, the same set of circumstances will be viewed …

Risk and Raising Children

There has been a large amount of concern expressed in recent years about what can be viewed as the development of an increasingly risk-averse society. This has obvious implications for …

The Relationship Between Risk and Poverty

The links between inequality, poverty and poor outcomes for children and young people are well established. There is a wealth of research and statistics which serve to underline the relationship …

Multiple deprivation and risk management

This talk is presented by a guest speaker, Gordon Main. Gordon is a Consultant with the Improving Care Experiences Team with CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and …

Good Enough Parenting

The assessment of children and young people who experience issues of risk and vulnerability involves the assessment of the adults surrounding and caring for them. When engaging in this task …

Risk and vulnerability

How do we define risk and vulnerability in the context of children and young people? We are dealing with the prediction of likely future harm which can be a challenging …

Graham McPheat (Lead Educator)

Graham is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, where he is the Course Leader on the MSc in Child and Youth Care Studies by Distance Learning. He …

Live Stream 1: Review of the content so far

On this course, learners will have the opportunity to ask the educators particular questions through live events called Live Streams. These events also allow the educator to recap the previous …

Attachment questions: suggested answers

As stated in the previous step, potentially problematic experiences are often successfully overcome by children and their families and secure attachments can develop. There are a number of factors however, …

Attachment and Education

Through the attachment relationship children develop a number of emotional and cognitive skills that allow them to function in a group learning environment. Without the regulatory skills that enable children …

What is attachment informed practice?

Research demonstrates that attachment informed practice with looked after children and young people – some of the most vulnerable and at risk in society – can help with the development …