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Discomfort is good

Everyone on Earth has assimilated at least some parts of another culture into their own. That’s not a bad thing. Without cultural diffusion, we wouldn’t have any culture at all. …

Let’s play the cynic… and follow through

As mentioned earlier, the main driver of cultural appropriation in business and creativity is not just cynicism; it is lazy cynicism. A cynical, purely profit-driven organisation in the modern world …

Argument three: The second example

The second example Watch this clip again, in which Jonathan Pie misrepresents an event and the people involved to prove his point. Second example If you can’t watch the clip, …

Argument two: The first example

A cherry-picked example Click the link below to watch the section where Jonathan Pie presents his first example of cultural appropriation. Seconds 25 to 53 If you’re unable to watch …

How to kill your business in 4 easy steps

So, if you really want to emulate Pepsi’s attempts to destroy public favour, just follow these 4 steps. Step One: Don’t think deeply about your message There’s absolutely no need …

The online vs offline narrative

The narrative online is not the same as offline. This gets proven time and time again when generalised expectations don’t live up to reality. When people enter the ballot box, …

What is good data made of?

As we saw from the Pepsi commercial, much of our culturally insensitive material comes from poorly interpreted data and lazy cynicism. The best way to combat that is through high-quality …

The definition we will use

Oxford Language’s Definition: The unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society. …

How do we define cultural appropriation?

Many people express varying levels of outrage and apathy about cultural appropriation. It can seem difficult to categorise what counts as appropriation and appreciation. Many people oppose the concept of …

2012: Native American war bonnets

For many Native American Plains Nations and First Nations, the feathered war bonnet is a spiritual symbol worn only by those who possess great fighting skill or honour. Different communities …

1500s – 1800s: Mummy Brown and Mummia

Mummy Brown is a rich brown pigment that was popular throughout Europe from the 16th century to the late 19th century. Sometimes, demand for Mummy Brown outstripped its supply. But …

313 CE: Christmas and paganism

After centuries of systemic persecution under the Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine finally decriminalised Christianity in 313 CE. Before this, Christians could be executed for their religion. Emperor Nero blamed Christians …

148 BCE: Hercules and the Roman Empire

The Kingdom of Macedon fell to Roman rule after the Battle of Pydna in 148 BCE. Eventually, most old Greek states fell under the control of the Roman Empire, with …