There are several possible careers when it comes to data science and climate change. You can for example work as Climate Data Scientist to support the development, evaluation, and improvement …
In the introductory video of this activity, you were given some ideas on how data science can be used to overcome climate change challenges. In this article, some real-life examples …
The fight against climate change issues may benefit from data science in many ways. Data Science, including machine learning and data analytics, enables us to apply modern methods to develop …
In this video, Rasoul connects climate change to data science, and how the latter can be used to identify some of the climate change challenges that we as a world …
The impact of climate change on different sectors is inevitable and undeniable, and several sectors are affected by it over time. In the following text, some examples of climate change …
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, are the foundation to achieving a better and more sustainable …
Simply described, climate change mitigation is the action of reducing the production of greenhouse gas emissions. Whereas climate change adaptation means modifying our actions and activities to protect the environment …
The purpose of a platform is to store, process, integrate, manage and analyze several datasets which are relevant to decision-making. The objective is to create a system, known as the …