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How to use 了 at the end of a sentence indicating a change

Language points “了”used at the end of declarative sentence, it indicates a change in the situation or the occurrence of a new situation. For example: 这个苹果是绿色的。 现在呢?苹果红了。 他怎么样?很高兴。 现在呢? 他不高兴了。 …

How to use 越来越 in a sentence

Language points We could put an adjective or a mental verb after 越来越……to indicate the change in degree occurs as time passes by. For example: 小树越来越高了。 我越来越喜欢写汉字。 小明写的字越来越漂亮了。 我越来越想家。 Please …

How to use 还是 to offer a choice in Chinese

Language points Both 还是 and 或者 are used to connect choices. 还是 is used in interrogative sentences, and 或者 in declarative sentences. For example: 你要喝咖啡还是喝茶? 我周末常常踢足球或者打篮球。 Dialogue 1 小刚: 明天是晴天还是阴天? …

How to describe two qualities by using 又…又

Language points 汉语中用“又Adj1 +又 Adj2”to describe two qualities existing in the same person or thing. The two adjectives both should be either positive or negative. For example: 这个女孩又高又漂亮。 熊猫(panda)又胖又可爱。 她又聪明又漂亮。 …

She is clever and enthusiastic 她又聪明又热情

Language points 汉语中我们用V1着(O1)+V2(O2) this structure indicates two actions taking place at the same time. V1 being the accompanying state or manner of V2. For example: 他站着打电话。 他坐着玩儿电脑。 他笑着跑过来了。 Dialogue 2 …

How to use the structure 一点儿 + 也/都 + 不 + adj

Language points 我一点儿也不着急。The structure 一点儿 + 也/都 + 不 + adj. indicates complete negation。 For example: 我不饿。I’m not hungry. 我一点儿也不饿。I’m not hungry at all. 她不忙。She’s not busy. 她一点儿都不忙。She’s not busy …

How to use “V+来/去” this structure

Language points “V+来/去” indicate the direction of the action. 来,the direction towards the speaker. 去,the direction away from the speaker. 上来 上去 下来 下去 进来 进去 出来 出去 回来 回去 …

How to use V1.了…就V2… this structure

Language points The successive occurrence of two actions In Chinese, V1.了…就V2… this structure can be used to indicate two actions which occur successively, with the second immediately following the first. …

How to use 能…吗 in a rhetorical question

Language points 能…吗 is used in a rhetorical question in Chinese, with its positive form meaning the negative and the negative form meaning the positive For example: “能出去玩儿吗?不能。” “能不累吗?累。” “能 …

How to use V+好 this structure

Let‘s have a look at the language points and the dialogue 1. Language points The complement of results 好 follows a verb as “v. + 好”,for example: 吃好, 准备好 to …