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Let’s meet Ari

In the next part of the course, Rose helps Ari with some strategies for the speaking test and particularly for Part 3. Listen to his first and improved attempts and …

Course wrap-up

The team at Macquarie University hope that you enjoyed your time studying with us and learning about the IELTS Speaking test. We hope that you have learnt valuable skills that …

Let’s meet Camilo

Welcome to our second week! In the next steps, Jose gives Camilo a topic card with a question from Part 2 of the Speaking Test. Listen to his first and …

Connected speech

In spoken English, words are not pronounced separately or in isolation. Instead, we connect sounds between words to sound more natural. This is known as connected speech. This is one …

Practising word and sentence stress

We have created the following three activities so that you can practise what you have learned about word and sentence stress: Activity 1 We have asked Ming Wei to tell …

Using pausing effectively

Chunking is a pronunciation feature that speakers of English use. It involves using pauses between groups of words. These pauses help ensure that the listener does not receive too much …

Sample IELTS answers – Speak about cooking

In this third video, Ming Wei answers three questions about cooking. Compare her first and improved responses and evaluate her performance in terms of Lexical resources and Pronunciation. You may …

Sample IELTS answers – Talk about your family

You have seen Ming Wei answer three questions about her family. For this set of questions, compare the first attempt with the improved attempt and consider Lexical resource and Pronunciation. …

Building up collocations

Well done for completing the previous quiz on collocations! There is a wide range of collocations in English, and it is unrealistic to try to learn them all. One of …