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Types of sensors

In this video, types of senor modalities used in robots for task completion are presented and discussed.

Introduction to Perception

In this video, an overview of the application of perception for robots through the use of sensors discussed previously is presented.


SONAR or Sound Navigation and Ranging is an ultrasonic sensor that utilizes travelling sound waves to navigate and detect objects around the robot. The sensors provide an accurate range of …

Application of perception in Robotics

The main application of perception is towards implementing computer vision, i.e extraction of meaningful information from images and videos and utilizing them to complete a task. Some examples in other …


Active optical sensors such as 2D LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) are used to perform scanning and detection of surfaces surrounding the robot. These electronic sensors emit light on the …

Representation of Frames in 3D

In the three-dimensional world space, the frames utilized are orthogonal to each other. Similar to the corner of the wall in your house or office, in addition to horizontal axes …

Transformation of Pose in 3D

Similar to the transformation procedure discussed in 2D case, a 3D transformation involves considering an additional rotation around X and Y. If applicable, with the rotation matrix R_x given as …

Transformation of Pose in 2D

To transform a pose in 2D from the body frame {B} to the fixed frame {A}, we perform two main operations: translation and rotation. The combined operation is known as …