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R script.

You can download the source code used in this lecture through this hyperlinked github page. It is highly recommended that you try to type the code as you follow the …

Python script.

You can download the Python version of the code that was used in the lecture though this hyperlinked github page. It is highly recommended that you try to type the …

How to Analyze Asset Returns.

Calculating returns using R programming. (19min) Calculate the daily return data. Calculate the cumulative return. Graph the data using the plot function. Tips on how to express investment returns.

Description of the Stock Price Data.

Basic R programming using Disney’s daily stock data. (15min) Import csv data, Understand the structure of Disney stock data. Change data type of specific columns.

What is Quantitative Investing?

Learn the process of investment using data analysis and algorithms throughout this course (6min) Basic, essential investment analysis using data and programming Import data, analyze past performance and existing risk …