Whenever you want to check two conditions in one, or you need to negate a condition, the logical operators come in handy. You can use and, or, and not. And …
Arrays are lists of values. These values can be of all data types and one array can even contain different data types. It is often very useful to store multiple …
for loops are special loops. The syntax might be a little bit confusing at first, but you will find yourself using them soon, because they are very useful. Here is …
We have seen the primitive data types. There are some built-in JavaScript methods that will help us deal with common problems related to primitives. Built-in methods are pieces of logic …
We can make decisions in our code using if and if else statements. It is very much like this template: if *some condition is true*, then *a certain action will …
There are many ways in which you can set up a JavaScript coding environment. For starters, your computer probably already has all the minimal things you will need to code …