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Methods for Pulsed-Laser Operation

Please read the article in the website of MKS Instruments. Methods for Pulsed-Laser Operation A laser operating in CW mode has constant output power as a function of time. This …

Types of Lasers

Please read the article in the website of MKS Instruments. Types of Lasers For this section, the focus will be on the most common commercially-available lasers. Table 1 provides the …


Please read the Open textbook in the Open Textbook Library. BSc Optics_CH 7.3 Amplification This book treats optics at the level of students in the later stage of their bachelor …

Threshold Pump Power

Please read the article in the website of RP Photonics Encyclopedia. Threshold Pump Power This website provide the information about the pump threshold power. Definition: the pump power at which …

Light-Matter Interactions in Lasers

Please read the article in the website of MKS Instruments. Light-Matter Interactions in Lasers This section provides an abridged description of the interactions between atoms/molecules in a laser material and …

The dual nature of light

Please read the article in the website of Maggie’s Science Connection. The Dual Nature of Light This document provides the basic understanding of dual-nature of light. Here are five reasons …

Laser 101

Please read the article in the website of RPMC Lasers. LASERS 101 – LASER SELECTION GUIDE Please take some time to read this document and mainly focus on the section …

Optical Resonator

Please read the Open textbook in the Open Textbook Library. BSc Optics_CH 7.2 Optical Resonator This book treats optics at the level of students in the later stage of their …