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Thank you to the course team

Thank you to every one who contributed to the making of this course: Lead Educator Dr Julie Hodges Guest Contributors Lindsey Agness, Kamales Lardi, Cyril Lebel, Steven Paterson Instructional Designers …

Pulling it all together

This video summarises some of the key takeaways from this course – developing emotional intelligence, trust, dialogue and co-creation, underpinned by adopting key leadership practices in your approach. We hope …

What to do if a change starts to fail

Hopefully you found the last step useful in considering what risks could materialise during a change initiative. We’re now going to consider what to do if those risks do indeed …

Monitoring the implementation of change

While monitoring implementation can cover many aspects of the process, our focus here, of course, is on people. Last week we talked about the importance of ensuring you receive feedback …

Summary of the week

We have seen this week that it is vital to involve employees in the change process, rather than have the change be perceived as something that has been imposed on …

Helping people transition through change

You were introduced to the transitioning through change diagram during the last activity, where we touched on the three phases – reconciliation, reorientation and recommitment. In this video, we explore …

Creating an effective dialogue

We’ve seen that change is often an emotional process and spent some time thinking about ethical issues – part of responding well is to ensure that people are given outlets …

Ethics and building trust

The change process, as we’ve seen, may not be positively perceived by everyone. In fact, there may be some difficult decisions that have to be communicated which have direct effects …

3 types of reaction to change

People show their emotions change in different ways. In this article, we’re going to think about the types of responses you may experience/observe and the possible reasons for them. Typically, …

Summary of the week

We have seen this week that the practices you adopt in your leadership approach can have an impact on the degree of success in the change process and we’ve spent …

Developing a communications plan

In the last step, you identified who the stakeholders were in the case study. Once we know who are stakeholders are, we need to consider how we will communicate with …

Different perspectives of change

How individuals perceive the impact of change depends on their own personal view of it, from their own perspective – their ‘hilltop’. Leaders and managers will be looking at the …

Being clear on the benefits

Change can be costly, disruptive and potentially dangerous. It’s vital that, as part of the planning process, the benefits are clearly identified. This is not only crucial from a strategic …

Sponsorship, collaboration and energy

In this step we’re going to focus on sponsorship, collaboration and energy. Having watched the two videos, think about what the six key leadership practices mean for your own context. …