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Mapping underwater habitats

Since the 1970’s, we have been using Earth Observation Systems, such as the Landsat satellite, to monitor the land and ocean surfaces, biosphere, solid Earth and atmosphere. We can use …

Explainer: Marine predators as climate sentinels

Want to read more about marine top predators as climate and ecosystem sentinels? This paper discusses climate sentinels and ecosystem sentinels in more detail In a nutshell: Marine top predators …

Asexual reproduction in sharks

In the video we learned that sharks and rays can reproduce an a wide varieties of ways. However, a captive shark astounded researchers by producing live hatchlings after being separated …

Living on the edge: the importance of estuaries

Estuaries are important ecosystems. They provide numerous ecosystem services that humans covet, while also being a hotspot for biodiversity and ecological functioning. In this video we highlight the variables that …

Introduction to Citizen Science

Who are citizen scientists and how have they contributed to long term research? What are the positives and negatives working with citizen scientists? Find out more in this section.

Coastal urbanisation

People love living near the sea. Oceans and coastal ecosystems provide us with food, recreation opportunities, and access to commercial activities like shipping. According to the UN, 40% of people …

Fish faces and reef ecology

In this video we Dr Andrew Olds will discuss the different roles different species of fish play in maintaining a coral reef, and which ‘jobs’ are more popular than others.

Introduction to Marine Vertebrates

In this section you will introduced to marine vertebrates and the scientific naming system known as binomial nomenclature. You will also learn the difference between common names and scientific names, …

Welcome to our course

Welcome to life below water. This video will give you a short introduction on what to expect over the next few weeks and the educators who will be guiding you …

Introduction to week 2

Welcome to week 2 This video is just a short description of what you will learn this week.

It’s time to restore our freshwater ecosystems

We all live downstream – it’s time to restore our freshwater ecosystems In the article linked above, the authors highlight the importance of freshwaters to human livelihoods and wellbeing, and …

Behaviour and Physiology of Crocodiles

Everyone knows what a crocodile looks like, that they can grow to enormous sizes, and that they sometimes eat people. However, few are aware that they are also devoted mothers, …